Google CRM? Will It Every Happen?

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Feb 14, 2011

Google has been push­ing hard­er than ever to keep its Lord­ship on the web. Their lat­est bat­tle has been with Face­book who has been cre­at­ing a pow­er­ful army of its own. Google makes most of its rev­enue through paid search, but has had very good suc­cess with its busi­ness mar­ket­place: Google Apps. Google Apps pro­vides busi­ness­es with busi­ness email (Gmail), file stor­age and cre­at­ing of doc­u­ments (Google Docs), Con­tact Man­ag­er, Mobile Access and Google Cal­en­dar. Google then went one step fur­ther by cre­at­ing Google Mar­ket­place, which gives third-par­ty com­pa­nies the abil­i­ty to sell their prod­ucts and ser­vices and link­ing them to a com­pa­nies Google Apps account. The Google mar­ket­place is very sim­i­lar to the way Apple’s iPhone works with their App Store. So for exam­ple, if you use Mailchimp as your email mar­ket­ing soft­ware, you can add Mailchimp to your Google Apps account, which will allow you to sign in auto­mat­i­cal­ly through your Google account. Basi­cal­ly Google Apps is the hub­spot for your cloud” busi­ness. I use Google Apps for my 100% cloud-based busi­ness and love it. How­ev­er, I have one prob­lem with it: Google is not a CRM. If Google had its very own CRM built in, I bet they’d get an over­whelm­ing response of new clients in a mat­ter of days. What is hold­ing most small busi­ness guy up from switch­ing to Google Apps is the lack of CRM capa­bil­i­ties. Right now they have to sign up for Google, get a smart­phone, and then sign up for a third par­ty CRM. How­ev­er, most third par­ty CRMs cur­rent­ly avail­able are not 100% com­pat­i­ble with Google’s plat­form. I’ve been using High­rise from 37 Sig­nals as my basic CRM and task man­ag­er and then Google for every­thing else. I’m hap­py with the two pro­grams. I’d still love to have every­thing under one roof. I don’t want mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies and all these small month­ly bills. I like most small busi­ness own­ers want one sim­ple, easy to use CRM pro­gram: email, cal­en­dar, task man­ag­er, con­tacts, deals and cas­es! I want it to work with no third par­ty plu­g­ins. My Pre­dic­tion and Wish­list for Google I believe Google will cre­ate a CRM pro­gram. Why they have not done it yet? I don’t know. Maybe they had time to kill and want­ed to see how their Mar­ket­place would do. I think the mar­ket­place is very cool, but it still is more than we need as busi­ness own­ers. Also, I think Google has to cre­ate a CRM or Microsoft will. Microsoft is a bit behind Google in cre­at­ing their cloud sys­tem, how­ev­er, they are doing it. Microsoft has a CRM pro­gram called Microsoft Dynam­ics. The cloud ver­sion has been released, but I have not tried it out. I’m a Google guy. Also, peo­ple are tired of third par­ty plu­g­ins left and right. Sales­force, the cur­rent leader in CRM-cloud com­put­ing, is buy­ing out all the third par­ty com­pa­nies! So they get it! Will Google do the same? I hope so. I think they should buy out 37signals who has the best project man­age­ment and CRM pro­grams I’ve seen. I’d then have them take over Pipeline Deals as they too have a few good CRM tools! The prob­lem with 37signals is that they just do NOT work with Google. They are com­plete­ly sep­a­rate and have no two-way inte­gra­tion. You have to install plu­g­ins from yet anoth­er com­pa­ny, that can be bug­gy, to sync 37signals and Google! Google needs to lis­ten to the small busi­ness world and cre­ate a CRM pro­gram with all the basics. Google does not need to wor­ry about their part­ner­ship with Sales­force, because small busi­ness own­ers don’t need such a sophis­ti­cat­ed CRM. They need a sim­ple, easy to use sys­tem. Google has that now: email, con­tacts and a cal­en­dar. Now just add the cus­tomer man­age­ment, and they will see suc­cess. As I’m writ­ing this, it got me think­ing, what about Apple CRM? That would be cool! Here is an arti­cle I read that digs a bit deep­er into Google CRM. I received this arti­cle from Soft­ware Advice, who asked me to post it here. So please take time to read: Will Google Enter The CRM Mar­ket? by Lau­ren Carl­son. It is a good read. Thanks, Lau­ren for send­ing this: and keep me post­ed on any­thing else you may dis­cov­er! What would you like from Google? Do you have a CRM that works well with the way you run your busi­ness? p.s. I also know it is expen­sive and can be prob­lem­at­ic for Google to cre­ate their own CRM…because so many oth­er com­pa­nies have sat­u­rat­ed this mar­ket. Google’s mar­ket­ing deci­sion is prob­a­bly to con­tin­ue inte­grat­ing 3rd par­ties. My pre­dic­tions could be wrong. I sure hope I’m right, because I’ve just heard so many peo­ple frus­trat­ed with all these APIs and plu­g­ins. It is get­ting con­fus­ing. If Google holds back, there has to be a com­pa­ny that does a clean and per­fect inte­gra­tion with Google.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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