Great Calendar App for iPhone & iPad that Works with Google Calendar

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Sep 12, 2013

 Great Calendar App for iPhone & iPad that Works with Google Calendar
8 Months ago, I was pret­ty con­tent with the way cal­en­dars, con­tacts & emails from Google were sync­ing with my iDe­vices. I used Google Apps for Busi­ness and Apple hard­ware. When Google decid­ed to stop sup­port­ing Microsoft Exchange on Apple devices (read an old post here) it made it a bit more bug­gy for many of my cus­tomers who were upgrad­ing devices or buy­ing new ones for employ­ees. So there are ways to get Google Apps to work on the iPhones and iPads, but I’m find­ing that there are some pret­ty cools Apps that I’m using now that work just the same if not better. 

Best Google Cal­en­dar App for iOS

The one I want to focus on today is for sync­ing iOS or Google Cal­en­dars. The com­pa­ny is called Read­dle. They had made a very slick and easy to use Google Cal­en­dar app that synced beau­ti­ful­ly with Google. Even the Google Cal­en­dar col­ors were in sync. Today they released a ful­ly new design and major upgrade called Read­dle 5. You can watch the video on the web­site which will explain it bet­ter than I can in this post. 


I down­loaded the upgrade ($4.99) and have been test­ing it out today. It is fab­u­lous. Because of the lat­est fea­tures, I am not able to stop using anoth­er app (sav­ing me time): iOS Reminders. Instead, Apple Reminders is auto­mat­i­cal­ly in per­fect sync with my Cal­en­dar App: it is built in. So when I make a reminder in my cal­en­dar app, it syncs to my Apple Reminders. The ben­e­fit here is if I’m at my desk­top, I’ll still get noti­fied on my iMac of reminders that are due. I can make a reminder on the iMac…and it will sync to the Read­dle App.

Per­fect Cal­en­dar App for Your Field Employees

Besides the beau­ti­ful design and ease of use, the new cal­en­dar app is a piece of cake to install. You just down­load it from the App Store here. Once you are done you click on Google Cal­en­dar, type in your user­name and pass­word: done. Then there are more cus­tomized fea­tures if you want in the set­tings. It has almost the same set­tings as Google Cal­en­dar. I don’t think Apple will allow google to build a native down­load­able app for their devices, so this is the clos­est thing you’ll ever see any­time soon. Your field employ­ees will like this App because they can also invite peo­ple to events, man­age their cal­en­dar and task in one app and not have to wor­ry about any tech­ni­cal set­up issues. Have them down­load the app and then look at a great com­mu­ni­ca­tion app called VOX­ER. But I’ll leave that for anoth­er blog post.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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