GuildQuality for 3rd Party Reviews and Customer Feedback

Posted by David Chism | Tue, May 19, 2015

 GuildQuality for 3rd Party Reviews and Customer Feedback
guildmasterI have known about GuildQual­i­ty for a num­ber of years now, and I real­ly do like what they are doing in the con­tract­ing mar­ket. Online reviews have become more and more pop­u­lar but get­ting those online reviews have been a real pain for many con­trac­tors, so I have a grow­ing num­ber of cus­tomers now using and enjoy­ing the fea­tures GuildQual­i­ty has to offer. Some of you might be famil­iar with a cou­ple of their com­peti­tors: Cus­tomer Lob­by & Demand­Force. Note: I have had very lit­tle expe­ri­ence with Demand­Force (owned by Intu­it) and have not had cus­tomers embrace it (yet). It actu­al is a bit more pow­er­ful, cost a lit­tle more per month and offers more fea­tures, includ­ing email mar­ket­ing. Cus­tomer Lob­by is also a pro­gram I am not that famil­iar with or have test­ed, but it appears to be very sim­i­lar to GuildQual­i­ty. GuildQual­i­ty focus­es exclu­sive­ly on the con­struc­tion indus­try, which drew me right in!

Online Sur­veys and Reporting

GuildQual­i­tys web­site says the fol­low­ing:
We help con­trac­tors deliv­er great cus­tomer expe­ri­ences and get the recog­ni­tion they deserve for their his­to­ry of supe­ri­or ser­vice. GUILDQUAL­I­TY’S CUS­TOMER SAT­IS­FAC­TION SUR­VEY­ING AND PER­FOR­MANCE REPORT­ING helps qual­i­ty-mind­ed con­trac­tors deliv­er excep­tion­al cus­tomer experiences.

What Is GuildQuality?

What does this all mean and why would you con­sid­er GuildQual­i­ty for your con­tract­ing busi­ness? I believe GuildQual­i­ty serves a few pur­pos­es. If you would like a more con­sis­tent way to get third par­ty cus­tomer reviews online and be con­sis­tent about it, GuildQual­i­ty does a great job. Con­sumers would do a web search. For exam­ple, Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing Reviews” and see GuildQual­i­ty’s review page of Chism Broth­ers nor­mal­ly toward the top of Google search­es (some­times next to sites like Yelp). [cap­tion id=“attachment_2781” align=“aligncenter” width=“282”]Chism Brothers Review Snapshot Screen­shot of GuildQual­i­ty Review Find­ing on Google (click to enlarge)[/caption] Once some­one clicks on the link to a GuildQual­i­ty pro­file page, they will see a map of cus­tomers who have left feed­back about the com­pa­ny. See exam­ple. [cap­tion id=“attachment_2782” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]Key Metrics Map­ping fea­ture (click to enlarge)[/caption] Being con­sis­tent with get­ting ongo­ing reviews is one of the pur­pos­es of GuildQual­i­ty. Anoth­er pur­pose in using a com­pa­ny like this is the inter­nal report­ing you’ll receive. Cus­tomers are more like­ly to give hon­est feed­back to a third par­ty source than to the com­pa­ny’s staff. GuildQual­i­ty pro­vides both email sur­veys and phone calls. For exam­ple, when they get on the phone, they use a list of sur­vey ques­tions about how your com­pa­ny per­formed. As the com­pa­ny own­er, you can dis­cuss the things you real­ly want to know from your cus­tomers. Maybe you would like to know more about the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of your team, the qual­i­ty or just want to know how like­ly they are to refer you. [cap­tion id=“attachment_2783” align=“aligncenter” width=“236”]Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 6.19.10 PM (click to enlarge)[/caption] Once the sur­vey is com­plet­ed, you are able to go through, in great detail, that sur­vey and oth­er sur­veys to deter­mine your great­est strengths and areas in need of improve­ment. You can even com­pare these stats with oth­er sim­i­lar com­pa­nies. See exam­ple below: Once a con­trac­tor has reached cer­tain mile­stones (so many pos­i­tive reviews), GuildQual­i­ty pro­vides dif­fer­ent seals of accom­plish­ment. See exam­ple. These seals” can be post­ed on your com­pa­ny web­site, just as you would post an Ang­ie’s List Super Ser­vice Award seal. In short, hav­ing GuildQual­i­ty or a sim­i­lar third par­ty review sys­tem con­nect­ed to your busi­ness can help build trust with your audi­ence. It beats hav­ing your own inter­nal review sys­tem, which con­sumers will most­ly see noth­ing but pos­i­tive reviews. Some­times a prospect wants to see a prob­lem and how you solved it!

Do Not Stop Con­tent Marketing

This should only be one course of action: get­ting ongo­ing reviews and sur­veys from your cus­tomers. I would also rec­om­mend that you encour­age cus­tomers to leave reviews wher­ev­er they feel most com­fort­able: Yelp, Google, Houzz, Ang­ie’s List, Face­book and so forth. GuildQual­i­ty is just a great way to be con­sis­tent with reviews and use the feed­back to improve your oper­a­tions. The most impor­tant thing you should con­tin­ue to do is con­tin­u­ing to edu­cate your audi­ence about your indus­try using videos, blogs, pod­cast, arti­cles and so forth. This will build the most trust, even more than online reviews. This edu­cat­ing of con­sumers is known in the mar­ket­ing world as con­tent mar­ket­ing.” It is one of the best ways to dri­ve more traf­fic to your web­site and con­vert vis­i­tors into rav­ing fans.

Want To Give This a Free Test Drive

If you wish to give GuildQual­i­ty a try, they have offered my read­ers a free test dri­ve. You can fill out this page they sent me, and they will con­tact you ask­ing for 20 clients to send them. They will do a sur­vey on 20 of your cus­tomers to start the process. You’ll expe­ri­ence how every­thing works and have time to think about if this is some­thing your com­pa­ny wants to imple­ment long term. If you con­tin­ue with GuildQual­i­ty, they charge a fee based on how many sur­veys they con­duct each month. I believe the min­i­mum amount is 5 per month, and these sur­veys rollover into the next month if you do not have time to send them a list of clients. Prices start at around $128 a month. Let me know what you think.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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