Hiring Tips for Painters: Create Demand for Your Job Supply!

Posted by Adam Zobel | Fri, Aug 31, 2018

 Hiring Tips for Painters: Create Demand for Your Job Supply!
David and I have been receiv­ing more and more requests for help with hir­ing efforts. From Cal­i­for­nia to New York, Alaba­ma to Ore­gon, paint­ing com­pa­nies need qual­i­ty appli­cants, and many need­ed them YESTERDAY. Most­ly, this is a good prob­lem to have! Sched­ules are full and the demand for painters is high. This has nat­u­ral­ly led us both to think through hir­ing strate­gies, and how best to keep inter­est in the posi­tions you have avail­able, and make sure that folks know you’re a great employ­er who’s offer­ing an awe­some opportunity. Real­ly, it all comes down to con­sis­ten­cy and brand­ing, much like any oth­er mar­ket­ing effort. Hir­ing cam­paigns almost nev­er work well with just the flip of a switch, but rather need to be grown over time with an attrac­tive, ongo­ing message.

Treat Your Hir­ing Efforts Like a Mar­ket­ing Campaign

Imag­ine if you ran your busi­ness the same way you run your hir­ing cam­paigns. What would it look like, and how suc­cess­ful would it be?  Prob­a­bly not the best strat­e­gy, right? When it comes to mar­ket­ing your busi­ness, you know it’s all about con­sis­ten­cy. Even dur­ing your busiest months, you still con­tin­ue your mar­ket­ing and brand­ing efforts since slow­er months are inevitably going to come, and you have goals to meet and over­head to cover.  In the same way, you may not always be active­ly hir­ing team mem­bers, but you can keep inter­est high and your hir­ing brand” fresh. Here are a few key ways to do that!

It Starts with a Focus On Your Com­pa­ny Culture

Yes, ben­e­fits and pay will always be a big draw. But, in today’s world, the focus is shift­ing! Younger, mil­len­ni­al-age peo­ple enter­ing the work­force are EQUAL­LY inter­est­ed in how they’ll be treat­ed, the cul­ture they’ll be join­ing, the val­ue they offer, and the lev­el of appre­ci­a­tion they can expect. What does adver­tis­ing to this demo­graph­ic look like?
  • Employ­ee Spot­lights — Every week or so, post a pho­to of a team mem­ber and share who they ARE, not just what they offer. And, share why they’re appre­ci­at­ed and why they love what they do.
  • Share Team Tes­ti­mo­ni­als — Ask your crew for a short quote about their work, what led them to your com­pa­ny, what they enjoy doing at work, or a good expe­ri­ence they recent­ly had with a client.
  • Share Pho­tos From Your Team — This could be a lunch break, a cool view they had from the top of a lad­der, an espe­cial­ly amaz­ing trans­for­ma­tion, etc… Don’t just make it about mar­ket­ing your com­pa­ny, but shar­ing your team’s expe­ri­ences and pas­sion. Offer a cash prize for the best pic of the week, or month! No pres­sure, just for fun. Then tag them on social media and name them specifically.
  • Videos — This can be real­ly intim­i­dat­ing to a lot of folks, but it shouldn’t be. A 10 – 30 sec­ond video chat­ting” with a team mem­ber on a job site, ask­ing them what they’re doing and work­ing on, offers a can­did peek behind the scenes.

The Major Take­away? Keep It Con­sis­tent and Keep It Personal

When you do this, you’ll expe­ri­ence two benefits. First, inter­est in hir­ing will always be stronger since you have a stur­dy foun­da­tion already in place rather than start­ing from scratch every time you need people. Sec­ond, you’ll be mar­ket­ing to clients as well! Who wouldn’t want to hire a paint­ing com­pa­ny that has an active, invest­ed, moti­vat­ed, HAP­PY team? It’s a no-brainer. So, turn that spig­ot on and leave it on. You may have to occa­sion­al­ly turn appli­cants away and ask them to come back in the sum­mer, but at least you know you’re an in-demand employ­er, and you’ll attract folks who are seri­ous about join­ing your team.

About Adam Zobel

Adam came to us with a background in teaching, writing, and a work history that included serving numerous small businesses (including assisting with content writing and marketing efforts). He was a natural fit, and enjoys connecting with our clients, creating unique content that reflects their culture and voice. We keep him busy! Adam handles blogging, email campaigns, website content creation, copywriting for print and promotional materials, social media, letters, mailers, and more. He also does a dynamo impression of Nicolas Cage, but you didn’t hear that from us. Adam lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two boys. He is also a 1st cousin of David’s wife!


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