How do you turn a family name into a brand?
If you´re anything like me, parenthood (or grandparenthood) probably has you reliving many scenes from your own youth. Maybe you´re playing Candyland and Uno again, or hiding and seeking until you´ve used every spot twice. Or you´re watching the same Disney movies until you could repeat them by memory! Recently, while putting in a Disney movie for my kids , I took a second look at their very familiar brand: simple, yet effective. It must be one of the most widely recognized symbols on earth, and yet 80 years ago, it was a simple business started by a single man. Walt Disney built his empire around a vision: imagination, magic, adventure, daring heroes and desperate villains! The name has become a brand, and is one of the most widely recognized names in the history of entertainment. Yes, Disney faces intense competition, but when a family sits down to watch a movie and see the Castle logo, they all know what to expect: family friendly, dreamlike, entertaining magic! Many service businesses also start with a single person, and like Walt´s, the business name contains some part of the owner´s name: Nolan Paining, Stohlman´s Custom Cabinets, Tony and Son Plumbing. A business owner with a name like this should not consider changing to a more generic name, like ABC Painting or Quality Cabinets. Instead, you should keep the name and focus on the brand and positioning statement of the company. What is it that sets you apart from the competition? What makes you different? Walt Disney — and every other successful sales or service company — has answered that one question: “How are we different?” Can you explain in one sentence how your company is unique?