How Long Should a Video Be for Social Media?

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Jun 21, 2019

 How Long Should a Video Be for Social Media?
marketing tips for contractors

A lot of our clients get stuck on video. Whether it’s stage fright, busy­ness, lack of equip­men­t/­know-how, or just a tight bud­get, they sim­ply don’t make it happen.

Can you relate?

Well, I have some good news that may or may not take you by sur­prise (depend­ing on your own social media habits).

I did some dig­ging and discovered…

After look­ing at a lot of ana­lyt­ics and data regard­ing the atten­tion span of users on Insta­gram and Face­book, I was not actu­al­ly shocked at my dis­cov­ery. I reviewed my cus­tomers’ videos across all accounts this year, and here is what I found: 

Only 30% watched any video past the 15-sec­ond mark. 30%.

That means that 70% of those who clicked on a social media video stopped after 15 seconds.

Do you know how much time it takes to cre­ate videos that are 30 to 60 sec­onds? Depend­ing on sev­er­al fac­tors, it can take hours and hours (if not a day or more)! If your team has to pay a video­g­ra­ph­er hun­dreds or thou­sands of dol­lars to pro­duce amaz­ing videos, and you know that 70% will STOP WATCH­ING after 15 sec­onds, don’t you think it’s time to rethink your video strategy? 

The num­bers drop off even more to the point where bare­ly any­one watch­es your videos on social media to the very end! This only hap­pens when you have devel­oped a cult fol­low­ing using amaz­ing indus­try knowl­edge or humor. 

What do we suggest?

Check out this exam­ple from All Cov­ered Paint­ing! Super sim­ple, but already reached over 2,200 people.
  • Start with using your smart­phones and not a video pro­duc­tion team. In fact, use the pile of cash you saved on pro­duc­tion and fun­nel it instead into pro­mo­tion and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing! One epic video is nev­er going to cut it — you need to be con­sis­tent and pay to pro­mote your content.
  • Record a few sec­onds per clip of a job: pres­sure wash­ing, sand­ing, mask­ing, spray­ing, brush­ing, the final prod­uct… Then quick­ly dress it up using a sim­ple video edit­ing app (iMovie on iPhone is an exam­ple). If you want to spend more time edit­ing, use a Desk­top app like Cam­ta­sia or iMovie.
  • If you do decide to use a video pro­duc­tion team, make sure those videos are still super short: 10 – 15 seconds.
  • If you do need a longer video, make sure the main point you want to con­vey is obvi­ous with­in the first 15 seconds. 
  • Watch a lot of Insta­gram ads for inspi­ra­tion. You’ll see that the best ones are short and to the point to sell their prod­uct or ser­vice. Try some­thing similar. 
  • Your videos should stir some emo­tion. Try to get your fol­low­ers to watch more! 
  • Prac­tice using Insta­gram sto­ries to post your short video clips. This is a great way to gain fol­low­ers and get more views. 

As we men­tioned above, just stay con­sis­tent. One hun­dred 15-sec­ond videos shot with the phone in your pock­et will ulti­mate­ly be more ben­e­fi­cial than 1 or 2 Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­tions. Really.

Don’t over­think it — just start shoot­ing it, post­ing it, and share your pas­sion. It WILL take off.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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