How Much Does It Cost To ...

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Nov 13, 2015

 How Much Does It Cost To ...
Where I live in Mary­land, most home­own­ers have asphalt dri­ve­ways, not con­crete. I have one as well! It starts out as a sin­gle dri­ve­way (for 1 car) and ends up at the garage accom­mo­dat­ing two cars. For a while now, I have been think­ing that I’d like to expand my dri­ve­way to fit more cars and make it eas­i­er to get in and out. But I had no idea what it would cost to do this sort of project. Is this a $3,000 project or a $10,000 project? Because this is not my line of work, I decid­ed to go online to see what the World Wide Web had to say about it. I asked Google: What does it cost to repave a typ­i­cal driveway?”  paving contractors-blog paving contractors-blog2It was­n’t a sur­prise, but the first 7 – 10 results I found were either Google Ads or direc­to­ry sites: Ang­ie’s List, Home­Ad­vi­sor, etc. I was pret­ty sure those would not answer my ques­tion so I kept scrolling down. Keep in mind that I was doing this with my phone. I final­ly stum­bled upon this web­site (blog post): Willie’s Paving. Had he been local to me, this prob­a­bly would have been up at the top. Take a look and read the blog post for your­self! It answered my ques­tion. In fact, if you spend a lit­tle time on the site, you will find that Willie’s Paving is a pret­ty help­ful web­site that focus­es on what a con­sumer wants to know. It helped me find the num­ber that I should expect when I am ready to repave my dri­ve­way. The only down­side to Willie’s blog post is that he is NOT local to me. If he were, I would be call­ing him for an esti­mate when I am ready to get the job done. Chances are, I won’t be get­ting a sec­ond bid. I think there are plen­ty of busy con­sumers (like me) who are the same way. They hunt online for answers, do a lit­tle research on a com­pa­ny and then pur­chase from that com­pa­ny if they feel com­fort­able and don’t feel they will get take advan­tage of. If a con­sumer can­not find an answer look­ing online or ask­ing friends/​neighbors, they will begin the process of hunt­ing by call­ing a few con­trac­tors to come out and give them bids. This is painful and not a lot of peo­ple enjoy this process. The peo­ple who do, and they are out there, are not peo­ple you and I want to work for!

Your Turn

So let me chal­lenge you to make your mar­ket­ing, espe­cial­ly your web­site, more about what the con­sumer real­ly wants to know! Begin writ­ing con­tent that talks about the cost as well. Most of your com­peti­tors will not be doing this any­time soon. So the more you give your cus­tomers what they are look­ing for online, the more trust you’ll build and jobs you will sell. Side Note: If Willie’s Paving ever reads this post, excel­lent job! Keep it up!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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