How to Create an Away Message in Gmail on Your Phone

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Aug 7, 2013

 How to Create an Away Message in Gmail on Your Phone
How many times have you rushed out of town or tak­en a day off only to for­get to set an away mes­sage on your email account? I’ve done this plen­ty of times in the past. I used to have to wait to get in front of a desk­top com­put­er, login and set the away mes­sage. If you are using Google Apps for Busi­ness (Gmail) there is a more sim­ple way to set an away mes­sage remote­ly, right from your phone. Down­load the Gmail App Vacation Gmail-Responder-2
  1. The first step is to down­load from the Apple store: Gmail (See Screen­shot)
  2. Login to your google account: yourname@​businessname.​com
  3. Once you are in the App, click on the upper left hand icon that has 3 hor­i­zon­tal lines.
  4. When you tap on that, you’ll be tak­en to this screen. Click on the upper right cor­ner of the black screen area that looks like a nut. See Exam­ple
  5. Next step is to turn on the Vaca­tion Respon­der. See Screen­shot
  6. After you turn on the Vaca­tion Respon­der to the ON func­tion, you can type your email response, change the start and end dates and then hit the SAVE but­ton in the top right hand cor­ner. See Screen­shot
That is all there is to it. If you ever want to make changes, you can just fol­low the steps above again. This is a nifty thing to do even if you plan on being gone for the after­noon or morn­ing. It lets peo­ple know that you are not avail­able but will respond soon. Peo­ple today can be very impa­tient if they do not hear back the same day (some­times the same hour), and it is nice to at least give them a lit­tle heads up and prac­tice patience.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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