How to Read 20 Books in a Year

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Jul 20, 2009

 How to Read 20 Books in a Year
Books BlogI have heard from sev­er­al busi­ness lead­ers and from a few Chris­t­ian pas­tors time and time again that one of the ways a per­son can be suc­cess­ful in his or her field or life is by read­ing good books. One man, a CEO of a suc­cess­ful hos­pi­tal in San Diego, told me to read at least 1 good busi­ness book per month. If you are like me, you love learn­ing new things but find that read­ing a book from cov­er to cov­er can be quite dif­fi­cult to do while run­ning a small busi­ness. There are times you’ll find me hav­ing 3 – 4 good books by my bed­side but will stay there for months! I get through the first few chap­ters, get dis­tract­ed by anoth­er good book and add that to my stack of books I’m cur­rent­ly read­ing.” Before I know it, I’m read­ing 12 books a year like I was told but have only tapped into the first few chap­ters of all 12 books!!!! Why is it that I can­not fin­ish these books? You can call it lazi­ness if you’d like. Maybe I’m too eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed or find some books bor­ing. I would say that my num­ber one rea­son or excuse is sim­ply, I don’t have the time!” Can you relate? So, how can I (and you) over­come such a hur­dle and read good books? Last week, I heard an online ser­mon from author and pas­tor John Piper that told his hear­ers how to read 20 books in a year! The facts
  • Lets say the aver­age per­son can read 250 words per minute, which is around 2 nor­mal-size paragraphs.
  • The aver­age book is around 200 pages.
The solu­tion
  • Impor­tant: Read 15 min­utes per day.
  • Don’t read more than 15 min­utes a day or you’ll burn out!
  • Read­ing for 15 min­utes a day will result in read­ing a min­i­mum of 3,750 words
  • Read­ing for 15 min­utes a day for 365 days will result in hav­ing read at least 1,368,750 words
  • If an aver­age book as around 350 words per page, you will have read 3,910 pages or 20 (2oo page) books
So, can you read 20 books a year? Will you take the chal­lenge? If you are a fast read­er, read for no more than 15 min­utes a day, you might be able to read 30 – 40 books a year! You can even accom­plish this task even eas­i­er by lis­ten­ing to audio­books! Give it a try. I am! 
  • The aver­age book

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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