How to Take Better Interior Photos with Your iPhone

If you are a client of mine, chances are you hear me often asking for great photos of your work. Typically my clients and other contractors respond with similar problems: i.e. “I can’t seem to get a good interior photo.” “All my photos turn out too dark.” “I do not have a good camera to take great shots…”
You Can Use Your Phone!
Quick side note: This post is strictly about Apple’s iPhone. The reason I am not writing about an Android phone is almost all my clients use Apple products for their field employees. If I had to put a percentage on it, I’d say over 90%.Apple’s latest iPhone, the 6s and 6s Plus, have incredible cameras built in (12 MP). Even some of the older models: 6 and 5s series have awesome cameras and lighting controls. If your crews in the field have an iPhone that is 1 – 2 years old, they will do just fine taking photos of their work!
Quick Tips on How to Make Interior Shots Look Better
- When you open up the camera setting and are about ready to take an interior photo, practice tapping on different parts of the screen. You will see a yellow square box appear when you tap. This yellow box is adjusting the lighting of the picture before you snap the photo. If you tap on a dark section of the image, it will lighten the entire photo. Just the opposite, if you tap on the lightest point in the photo, it will darken up the image before you take the photo. This one tip will help most of you reading this post take better shots moving forward (both inside and out).

- To help reduce blurry photos, take several photos of the same area. Then select the best shot. You can also hold down the “shoot” button and it will take rapid shots of an area. You can then delete the photos minus the best one (i.e. least blurry). The best advice here, Check out the photo before sending it off to be used on the web. You’d be surprised at how many blurry photos I get. This is due to employees in the field just snapping and sending without checking!
- Use a tripod. I understand that this might not be an easy solution for your field employees. If you really want to showcase your work to potential and existing customers, a tripod will definitely help take better photos. The main benefit of a tripod is twofold: 1) It can take before, during and after from the same angle and 2) It will make the photos less blurry! You just need to buy a tripod and a smartphone adapter.