How to Take Better Interior Photos with Your iPhone

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Dec 16, 2015

 How to Take Better Interior Photos with Your iPhone
If you are a client of mine, chances are you hear me often ask­ing for great pho­tos of your work. Typ­i­cal­ly my clients and oth­er con­trac­tors respond with sim­i­lar prob­lems: i.e. I can’t seem to get a good inte­ri­or pho­to.” All my pho­tos turn out too dark.” I do not have a good cam­era to take great shots…” 

You Can Use Your Phone!

Quick side note: This post is strict­ly about Apple’s iPhone. The rea­son I am not writ­ing about an Android phone is almost all my clients use Apple prod­ucts for their field employ­ees. If I had to put a per­cent­age on it, I’d say over 90%.
Apple’s lat­est iPhone, the 6s and 6s Plus, have incred­i­ble cam­eras built in (12 MP). Even some of the old­er mod­els: 6 and 5s series have awe­some cam­eras and light­ing con­trols. If your crews in the field have an iPhone that is 1 – 2 years old, they will do just fine tak­ing pho­tos of their work!

Quick Tips on How to Make Inte­ri­or Shots Look Better

  • When you open up the cam­era set­ting and are about ready to take an inte­ri­or pho­to, prac­tice tap­ping on dif­fer­ent parts of the screen. You will see a yel­low square box appear when you tap. This yel­low box is adjust­ing the light­ing of the pic­ture before you snap the pho­to. If you tap on a dark sec­tion of the image, it will light­en the entire pho­to. Just the oppo­site, if you tap on the light­est point in the pho­to, it will dark­en up the image before you take the pho­to. This one tip will help most of you read­ing this post take bet­ter shots mov­ing for­ward (both inside and out). IMG_0260
  • To help reduce blur­ry pho­tos, take sev­er­al pho­tos of the same area. Then select the best shot. You can also hold down the shoot” but­ton and it will take rapid shots of an area. You can then delete the pho­tos minus the best one (i.e. least blur­ry). The best advice here, Check out the pho­to before send­ing it off to be used on the web. You’d be sur­prised at how many blur­ry pho­tos I get. This is due to employ­ees in the field just snap­ping and send­ing with­out checking!
  • Use a tri­pod. I under­stand that this might not be an easy solu­tion for your field employ­ees. If you real­ly want to show­case your work to poten­tial and exist­ing cus­tomers, a tri­pod will def­i­nite­ly help take bet­ter pho­tos. The main ben­e­fit of a tri­pod is twofold: 1) It can take before, dur­ing and after from the same angle and 2) It will make the pho­tos less blur­ry! You just need to buy a tri­pod and a smart­phone adapter.
That is all there is to it. Let me know if you have any questions.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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