How To Take Pictures of Your Work Without Losing Your Mind

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Jul 10, 2019

If you’ve read any of my arti­cles or talked to me in per­son, you know how pas­sion­ate I am about con­trac­tors tak­ing qual­i­ty video and pho­tos of their work. 

There are many rea­sons why every con­trac­tor should be doing this, and it’s not always just about get­ting the phone to ring. In fact, as I write this post, my cus­tomers are swamped with leads. When that’s the case, the temp­ta­tion is to stop tak­ing pic­tures and pull way back on marketing. 

The fact is, pho­tos… are… every­thing… Espe­cial­ly today when so many of YOUR cur­rent and poten­tial clients are spend­ing time on social media, they want to actu­al­ly see you, your skills, and your company. 

They don’t just digest ads anymore. 

Remem­ber the yel­low pages” days? Sim­i­lar to that old method of flip­ping through ser­vice providers and pick­ing a pro, today’s home­own­ers flip through” social media to see who catch­es their eye, who makes them feel most com­fort­able, and who seems like a good fit for their needs. 

Let’s Get Prac­ti­cal: How Do You Take and Cap­ture Images?

Lan­cast­er Paint­ing does an AWE­SOME job cap­tur­ing pic­tures of their team mem­bers in action. 

Let’s say you’re already tak­ing pic­tures (kudos to you!), but you’re just not real­ly sure which app to use, or how to orga­nize, save, down­load, upload, share, etc… It’s all a lit­tle over­whelm­ing, right?

Back in 2017, I wrote about a nifty pho­to-tak­ing app called Com­pa­ny­Cam, and I eval­u­at­ed some of the pros and cons of that tool. In this post, I won’t go into the details about all it can do. I cov­ered it in the blog post I wrote in 2017. Just review that and know that it is even bet­ter 2 years later. 

Fast for­ward to 2019 and Com­pa­ny­Cam is now my #1 rec­om­mend­ed pic­ture and video tak­ing app for contractors. 

If you’re not using it, you are miss­ing out. 

Any hes­i­ta­tions I had in my 2017 arti­cle have been addressed and improved by Com­pa­ny­Cam, so it now has my 100% stamp of approval. 

Test It Out!

Com­pa­ny­Cam has also offered my cus­tomers and read­ers a 30-day risk-free tri­al instead of the stan­dard 14-day tri­al. Just click on this link to learn more and sign up for a tri­al for your team. It’s $12 bucks a month per user — can’t beat that price for what it can do to save you time and money!

A Word About Com­pa­ny Cul­ture: Focus On More Than Just Project Photos

Web­foot Paint­ing shared this pic of two team mem­bers donat­ing their time to a com­mu­ni­ty project — how awe­some is that? Com­pa­ny cul­ture in action!

If you are busy and don’t need as many leads right now, I would still rec­om­mend tak­ing pho­tos and videos of your work for sev­er­al reasons:

  1. It should be part of your sys­tem — don’t devi­ate (make it part of your stan­dard oper­at­ing procedures).
  2. It helps your operating/​production team to review project pho­tos and notes before work starts. Then sales and oper­a­tions can bet­ter communicate!
  3. You’ll have mar­ket­ing pho­tos now or in the future when you need them. You nev­er know when you’ll need those images to help sell a project. 
  4. It might save your hide! If you care­ful­ly doc­u­ment your work using an app like Com­pa­ny­Cam, it just might save your busi­ness from legal trou­ble, or maybe even defuse an upset cus­tomer blam­ing you for some­thing your team did not do! What if you could doc­u­ment that the scratch­es on the floor were already there? What if the cus­tomer did select Uni­corn Swirl” for their coun­ter­tops when they remem­ber specif­i­cal­ly it was Ari­zona Beige? Take a pho­to of the col­or selec­tion (Com­pa­ny­Cam time­stamps it). 
  5. Com­pa­ny Cul­ture: your field employ­ees take pride in their work, or at least they should! When you take pho­tos of the work and post them on social media, it is not always about lead gen­er­a­tion. You are build­ing a com­pa­ny cul­ture. This is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to brag about your amaz­ing team. Call out your team mem­bers by name and start brag­ging about all the cool things they accom­plished on that job! It does not always need to be post­ed on social media, either. You can use those images for com­pa­ny meet­ings too. 

If you are strug­gling to find and uti­lize that per­fect pho­to-tak­ing tool, give Com­pa­ny­Cam a seri­ous, deep-dive tri­al. It also inte­grates with a num­ber of pop­u­lar CRM appli­ca­tions on the mar­ket today as well. This sin­gle tool could be one of the best deci­sions you make for your busi­ness in 2019

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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