HP Slate Tablet for Small Business

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Oct 23, 2010

 HP Slate Tablet for Small Business
The HP Slate will be released to con­sumers the first week of Novem­ber, and I’m anx­ious to see how this new tool can help ser­vice com­pa­nies be more pro­duc­tive and sell more work. The released price for the HP Slate starts at $799. Expect to spend a min­i­mum of $900 with ship­ping and a few extras and pos­si­bly as much as $1200 after you install MS Office. The HP Slate is noth­ing like the Apple iPad. I pur­chased an iPad short­ly after it was released think­ing that it would be the next small busi­ness Tablet. It was not! Although I loved the iPad, I sold it, because it was just a big toy, and I have enough gad­gets. The iPad oper­at­ed off of Apps (Appli­ca­tions) not stan­dard desk­top soft­ware. The HP Slate, on the oth­er hand, will oper­ate sim­i­lar to a stan­dard desk­top com­put­er. In my opin­ion, that alone will blow the Apple iPad away by mak­ing it a price­less tool for a ser­vice com­pa­ny. My only con­cern about the new HP Slate is this: It is a PC run­ning Win­dows! I’m real­ly con­cerned that after 6 months, your once fast HP Tablet will be boot­ing up and run­ning at the speed of a tur­tle who ate a bot­tle of sleep­ing pills. I hope I’m wrong on this one! So, give the HP Slate a try and let me know what you think. So far, it sounds like a good invest­ment. A Quick Back­ground on my Tablet PC experience Tablet com­put­ers have been out for close to 10 years, but have had 2 major prob­lems: 1) They are very expen­sive and 2) Not very reli­able. Despite these draw­backs, Tablet PCs have made ser­vice com­pa­nies a lot of mon­ey by sav­ing them time! I pur­chased my first Tablet PC in 2004 to help stream­line my esti­mat­ing process while work­ing for my father’s paint­ing busi­ness. Pre-Tablet days, I’d do a take­off with pen and paper, dri­ve back to the office, type in my num­bers into Excel, print out the esti­mate and mail it or hand-deliv­er it to the prospect. Phew, just typ­ing that sen­tence makes me tired! Any­ways, when I got my Toshi­ba Tablet, I was able to do my take­off, show a con­sumer the price and even get them to sign the pro­pos­al right on the screen, sav­ing me 1 pos­si­bly 2 hours per esti­mate. A few years lat­er, I upgrad­ed to the small­est Tablet at the time, a Motion Com­put­ing 800. To this day, I still like that device. It was about the same size of the new HP Slate but very heavy and unre­li­able. My machine cost almost $3000 and broke on 2 – 3 occasions.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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