Hurry Up and Slow Down!
One of the things I have been learning this year is to be okay with slowing down a bit and not being in such a hurry. In other words, be okay with not getting to everything and being readily available 24⁄7.
It’s a tough thing these days, isn’t it? Maybe you can relate…
One of the softwares I have used for years is called Basecamp, and I really love the owners’ philosophy: “Work can wait.” I’ve tried to intentionally remind myself of this, and have made changes in my daily life to help me not bring work home with me. Turning off notifications, social media breaks… All are important, but I still find myself rushing around and saying, “I’m busy, busy, busy!”
Awareness is the first step
The good news is that I am aware of the problem, and that I have some addictions that need help: work, technology, and just staying busy. These are all things that I have identified in my life that need to change.
Our culture doesn’t help, either. Being busy is celebrated and worn like a badge of honor, with people practically apologizing for taking a day off or explaining why they’re on vacation. That’s just not how it should be, and it isn’t healthy or sustainable.
My wife encouraged me recently to read a book she just finished called, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.” As I write this blog, I’m a third of the way through the book and finding it very helpful and encouraging that there is hope for a guy like me.
One of the things I have already learned while reading is that every human has the same amount of time in a day: 24 hours! We don’t need more time in the day because we’ve all been given the same amount. Here are a couple of the things we DO need to do:
Learn where to pull back
Know our limit
Limitations aren’t weaknesses. In fact, knowing and embracing them is one of the first steps to slowing down and learning to enjoy this life we’ve been given.
I am early on in this journey, but am committed to taking the steps needed to be healthier all around in my faith and life. I plan on starting by limiting time on devices, like scrolling social media, and turning off notifications after a certain time. I am also planning on taking more walks with my wife! I want to enjoy more moments with my family and customers instead of feeling like I need to be more responsible and take on more work, success, etc.
No work, email, or messages… It all can wait.