Interview with Mike Stelzner on His New Book "Launch"

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Jun 23, 2011

I had the priv­i­lege of spend­ing 25 min­utes talk­ing to Mike Stelzn­er, CEO of the Social Media Exam­in­er, this past week and want­ed to share the audio clip with you all. I wish I could have done a video, but I won’t be going to San Diego until the fall, so the phone audio is the best I can do. This is the unabridged pod­cast folks. I did­n’t have time this week to cut out sec­tions of it…so feel free to fast for­ward the parts where Mike and I rem­i­nisce about my home­town of San Diego! Lis­ten to the Inter­view With Michael Stelzner Just a few of my writ­ten thoughts before you hear the pod­cast. Michael Stelzn­er has writ­ten a new book called Launch.” This book focus­es on what Mike calls the Ele­va­tion Prin­ci­ple.” Michael will explain what this means in detail but in my words it is: writ­ing and shar­ing great con­tent with­out the mar­ket­ing mes­sage to your audi­ence with­out expect­ing any­thing in return. The Ele­va­tion Prin­ci­ple, done right, is good Social Media. In my inter­view, we cen­tered the con­ver­sa­tion around how this book would be help­ful for mar­keters like myself and my audi­ence, con­trac­tors and ser­vice com­pa­nies. About Michael Stelzner Michael Stelzn­er is the founder of Social Media Exam­in­er a pop­u­lar online mag­a­zine that helps busi­ness­es answer social media ques­tions with use­ful how to’ arti­cles, in-depth case stud­ies, expert inter­views, and orig­i­nal research. Michael is author of the books Launch: How to Quick­ly Pro­pel Your Busi­ness Beyond the Com­pe­ti­tion and Writ­ing White Papers: How to Cap­ture Read­ers and Keep Them Engaged. The prin­ci­ples that Stelzn­er teach­es are the very con­cepts that helped him build two high­ly suc­cess­ful busi­ness­es that made him a lead­ing expert in both indus­tries — and a mil­lion­aire in the Great Reces­sion. Stelzn­er’s been inter­viewed by the Wall Street Jour­nal, Fast Com­pa­ny and the Huff­in­g­ton Post. Fol­low Michael Stelzn­er on Twit­ter @mike_stelzner Vis­it www​.ele​va​tion​prin​ci​ple​.com

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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