Invoicing Made Easy, Freshbooks. I still love it

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Mar 3, 2012

 Invoicing Made Easy, Freshbooks. I still love it
I’ve sam­pled, tried and even changed soft­ware and cloud com­put­ing pro­grams often the past few years, but there is one cloud-based invoic­ing sys­tem I’ve not stopped using: Fresh­books. I can’t find any­thing qui­et so good for sim­ple online invoic­ing. It is so sim­ple to use. In a nut­shell, Fresh­books, allows a com­pa­ny to keep track of leads and cus­tomers, esti­mates, invoic­es, expens­es, online pay­ments, and even sim­ple P&L and expense reports. A small busi­ness can use Fresh­books as a com­plete account­ing sys­tem too. In my case, I only use Fresh­books and then sub­mit my reports to my accoun­tant to do my tax plan­ning, prep & fil­ing. For my con­sult­ing busi­ness, there is no need for any­thing more robust like Quick­books. What Should a Con­trac­tor Use? I am a Fresh­books fan through and through and would love it if more con­trac­tors could use Fresh­books for their invoic­ing sys­tem. I know of a num­ber of con­trac­tors who use it and like it. The only down­side for most con­trac­tors using Fresh­books is that it is not a com­plete book­keep­ing solu­tion when you are doing things like Pay­roll, Job Cost­ing or cre­at­ing a Bud­get. It also does not have an auto­mat­ic sync with one’s bank and cred­it cards to man­age expens­es. It does man­age expens­es, but you have to man­u­al­ly import your expens­es. It also does not pro­vide a Bal­ance Sheet, only a P&L. Some­times that is all one needs. So, if you need Job Cost­ing, a com­plete Bal­ance Sheet, a Gen­er­al Ledger, Pay­roll Solu­tions and so on, Fresh­books may not be the best solu­tion. Quick­books Online might be a bet­ter choice in that case. Quick­books also pro­vides sim­ple online invoic­ing, but it is not as sim­ple as Fresh­books. Only down­side to Fresh­books is the cost. I’m spend­ing about $25 a month. If I want­ed a cou­ple of my oth­er staff mem­bers to use it, I’d quick­ly be in the $40+ range. That is pret­ty steep. I’ve looked at the cheap­er invoic­ing pro­grams, but I con­clud­ed that you still get what you pay for. At this point, I’m still a loy­al cus­tomer of Fresh­books as noth­ing comes close.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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