IOS 5 Upgrade for iPhone Quick Review

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Oct 13, 2011

 IOS 5 Upgrade for iPhone Quick Review
I was one of the mil­lions of users, I’m sure, who upgrad­ed the iPhone to the lat­est oper­at­ing sys­tem with IOS 5 and iCloud. It took awhile to get it work­ing cor­rect­ly, and I’m still fig­ur­ing out all the new tricks and fea­tures. Am I hap­py with the upgrade? A def­i­nite Yes! Yet for those of you who are not real­ly techie, I’d prob­a­bly hold off on upgrad­ing unless you don’t mind a few bugs and the process tak­ing awhile. Some of your pro­grams will crash. This is not Apple’s fault most like­ly. The App com­pa­nies are fran­ti­cal­ly try­ing to catch up with Apple and get their pro­grams com­pat­i­ble with IOS 5. I’ve had a num­ber of pro­grams crash, yet even as I write this, I’ve got­ten App updates. A quick workaround is to delete the bug­gy Apps and rein­stall them. My Favorite Things About iOS 5 For Busi­ness Usage What I like most about the upgrade? The noti­fi­ca­tions and drop­down menu are sim­i­lar to the Android devices, which I’ve always liked. It is about time that Apple intro­duced this. This can save you time in the long run, not hav­ing to open up dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions to view emails, to do list, Face­book, Twit­ter, etc. You can set up your phone to only receive the noti­fi­ca­tions that are most impor­tant to you. From a social media mar­ket­ing stand­point, this def­i­nite­ly is a nice fea­ture. I can now take a quick peek on some of my net­works with­out log­ging into each App. The cam­era fea­ture is also the lat­est and great­est upgrade that is note­wor­thy. Now you can click the up” vol­ume but­ton to snap a pho­to and a cam­era icon is on the Lock Screen menu. Apple claims there are close to 200 updates for the iPad and iPhone on this new release. If you have an iPad, the upgrade looks almost the same. My favorite upgrade on the iPad was the split key­board. It works great! In this blog post I won’t explain all the new fea­tures as I just men­tioned sev­er­al of my favorite ones! As for my thoughts on iCloud, this too is an incred­i­ble new fea­ture, but I don’t see a lot of real val­ue for a busi­ness own­er. iCloud is still more focused on per­son­al use. For exam­ple, you can now take a pho­to on your iPhone, and it will show up on your oth­er Apple or PC devices that run iCloud. Your music, movies and pho­tos are stored in the clouds” free­ing up space for your devices. So no more plug­ging in your devices: it is all wire­less and auto­mat­ic. A time saver I’m sure. The iPhone 4S I will be test­ing out the new iPhone 4S soon and give you my feed­back on SIRI, the new voice recog­ni­tion fea­ture. I have nev­er real­ly seen a good voice recog­ni­tion pro­gram to date, so I’m hop­ing Apple will have released some­thing impres­sive. The good news is they part­nered with the pre­mière voice recog­ni­tion com­pa­ny, Nuance. Stay tuned. Your Turn Will you be upgrad­ing your phones this year? If you are using a Black­ber­ry or Android, do you plan to switch to the iPhone or are you hap­py with your cur­rent device? Also, those who have an iPhone, will you upgrade to the 4S or wait til Apple releas­es a new design, iPhone 5?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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