Is Branding Only for Large Companies?
If you own a small to medium size contracting business, chances are you have heard marketing professionals tell you that you need to build your brand or invest in branding your company. Hearing that you need to “do” marketing to build your brand does not sound good to most of you, because you are thinking, “Yeah but I need my phone to ring today!” I am right there with you. Getting that phone to ring is the lifeblood of our businesses, right? If that phone is not ringing, my guys are not working!
The title of this blog, “Is Branding Only for Large Companies?” was inspired by a comment I received from a cabinet contractor on one of my blogs. He was frustrated that some of the ad dollars he had invested in an online social site did not get his phone to ring. He came to the conclusion that branding is only for large, nationwide companies with BIG budgets.
Building a Brand is Necessary
I do see this contractor’s point, and I agree with him to a certain degree: companies that have more money can typically spend more on branding campaigns than companies that do not have the cash.
In my opinion, where this guy went wrong is that branding is crucial and is not always for just the big nationwide companies. I am all for pulling the plug on a web company that promises you leads (lead generation) and does not produce. Yet I am also in favor of investing money in websites, print and community events for the purpose of building one’s brand. I am a bit more conservative on this approach, but I do think a company needs to have a good plan that involves branding.
Why Does It Matter?
Here is why I think it is important to build a good brand both on- and off-line. Let’s suppose you are advertising on Angie’s List. You are among the top 5 rated companies on the list. Joe Homeowner goes on Angie’s List to find a painter. He thinks anyone on the list with lots of great reports must be good. In other words, he has faith in Angie’s List. So he selects 3 or 4 painters to give him a quote. Not always, but chances are, he will select a middle or lower priced quote because again, he trusts that anyone on that list has to do decent work, so why not go with a lower bid?
See where I am going with this? Now, how does good branding help? How do you sell more work if your prices tend to be higher? Good branding! This is where I believe that being an educator to your audience (i.e. content marketing) as well as a customer service prince will help not only make your brand more marketable but will help win projects. Joe Homeowner might get a bid from 3 or 4 top rated Angie’s List contractors, but if you are the one that has given back the most, educated him the most and built up enough trust in his head already, you just might have a better chance at being the winning bid.
So How Do You Build a Good Brand?
Many books have been written on this subject. For the sake of time, I’ll narrow it down to just a few key things.
- Blogging or Vlogging: Educate your audience as much as possible by maintaining a good blog. If you don’t like to write, start a YouTube channel and begin answering questions from your customers and prospects so you become viewed as the expert.
- Social Media: Get involved in social media. Normally this is a very inexpensive way to brand your company. You do not need to be on all social platforms. Select the ones you feel will be the more rewarding, ones you feel most comfortable with: LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and so forth. Get involved in the conversation and build your company brand and your own personal brand! Branding does not always have to cost you money, but it does require time and energy!
- Speaking Engagements: Become a keynote speaker and educate your audience on a particular subject you are an expert in: paint colors, primers, decking, stucco, or roofing, for example.
- Community Events: Learn where your customers and prospects hang out around your city. Make sure you have a good plan to be involved in the events they attend. If your prospects tend to be fairly wealthy, chances are they are into sports such as cycling or running. Do what you can afford: give out water bottles at a race, sponsor the race with your logo on the race bibs if this is available, give out popcorn, sponsor a little league team, serve coffee, join a non-profit etc.
- Serve Your Customers: This should be the easiest part! Do an incredible job serving your customers. This should be from the moment they call or email you to the future, even years down the road. If you continually do a quality job and treat your customers like gold, they will come back and continue to use your services. They will also be your brand promoters and refer you!
Building Your Brand Is Hard Work
If you want quality leads, you have to work for them. They don’t just show up overnight. Creating a good content marketing strategy is a great way to build your brand. Yet that too can take months (sometimes years) to really make your company the expert. I know that River Pool and Spas stopped most traditional advertising (yellow pages) and put all their effort into blogs and videos back in 2009. They began communicating to their audience in ways that were very helpful, making them an educator, an authority in their industry. As their brand became stronger, their leads became better. They went out on fewer bids and closed more work! Oh, and they spent very little out of pocket to get those leads. It just required their own time and patience.
A great quote from Glenn Llopis from a Forbes article he wrote sums this point up: “Your audience wants to know you before they begin to buy from you.” How long will it take to build that trust? In most cases, it takes years, but it only gets better!
Branding is not just for the big companies. It is for you. It is necessary to build your business!
image credit: purchased from dollarphotoclub