Is Having More Online Reviews Better Than Your Competitor?

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Jan 1, 1970

I was asked recent­ly by a client to share more about how to moti­vate their employ­ees to ask for online reviews and to help them under­stand the impor­tance of get­ting reviews. While reply­ing to my client, I real­ized that many times, com­pa­nies think they have to have more reviews than their com­peti­tors. They think that will make them close more deals and crush their com­pe­ti­tion! Let me share my quick answer to the ques­tion of if it real­ly mat­ters if your com­pa­ny has more reviews than a competitor. The short answer is this: Not real­ly! Let me explain. I’ve seen a lot of com­pa­nies stress out about get­ting online reviews. It is a chal­lenge to get cus­tomers to write reviews in the home improve­ment indus­try! I get that! What I have seen is that a com­pa­ny finds a way to do a review blitz. Maybe they call their cus­tomers or send an email blast beg­ging for reviews NOW. Using this strat­e­gy, I’ve seen com­peti­tors get as many as 30 reviews in a cou­ple of days. Here is the prob­lem with focus­ing only on get­ting more reviews. It nor­mal­ly does not last long. To be con­sis­tent, you have to have an ongo­ing plan to keep get­ting reviews. I’d rather my clients focus on a goal of 3 – 4 qual­i­ty reviews a month than 20 in a week! Why? It is all about the date of the review! At some point, if not already, con­sumers will get more savvy when it comes to their online research. If it has not already hap­pened in your case, soon you might have 20 reviews on Google and your com­peti­tor might have 60. Does that mean a con­sumer will NEV­ER hire you because you have few­er reviews? No it does not! Con­sumers will and already do look at the dates of reviews and fac­tor this into their selec­tion process. If they see that 30 of your com­peti­tor’s reviews were writ­ten back in 2013 but your 20 reviews were over the course of the cur­rent year, this can be seen as some­thing pos­i­tive. It means that you have a steady flow of ongo­ing reviews instead of 30 added in the space of a few days. Web search­es will get more intel­li­gent and put the puz­zle pieces togeth­er. One might think, Huh…30 reviews in a week? No way! They must have asked for a ton of reviews or some­thing is wrong. I’m going with the com­pa­ny that has few­er reviews but seems more legit.”  See where I am going with this? Don’t stress about the num­ber of reviews you have. Just keep your team focused on ask­ing for a review when a job is done. You want con­sis­tent and updat­ed reviews instead of dat­ed reviews! 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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