Is Your Phone Tree Costing You Business?
Can you afford to have a live person answer every call during business hours? The question might actually be, can you afford not to?
Hey, remember the days before cell phones? Ahhh… Sweet simplicity. Now communication moves like lightning, and your customers demand immediate attention. On top of that, the younger generation of customers that prefer text messages is growing older and likely needs your services just as much as their parents or grandparents. You’ve got to cater to that blossoming demographic or else you’re missing out…
When my dad was a painter in San Diego, his “cutting-edge” technology in the 80s and 90s was a pager. His office would send him a page with a number to call, and he’d often ask to use a landline (when he had a moment) to dial in.
Can you imagine?
Should You Use a Phone Tree for Your Contracting Business?
I get it. Phone trees and voicemail are convenient, but can lead to lost prospects. If someone decides to call rather than text or email, it’s crucial that they connect with a live person immediately (during business hours, of course). A phone tree can feel impersonal, and voicemail carries the subtext that your call just wasn’t really important enough to answer.
The majority of consumers will NOT leave a message or listen to all their options, opting instead to try a competitor of yours.
Your Phone Tree Might Not Really Be Saving You Money
It can feel like a nice cost-savings to not have someone overseeing and answering your phone, but some basic math can flip that equation around pretty quickly. Do you have a way to quantify how many calls (leads) are lost to your phone tree system? It can be easy to guesstimate, and the math will prove the point better than this blog ever could.
Paying a friendly, professional, responsive person to answer the phone and field texts/emails adds to your overhead, but can more than pay for itself with even just a few additional won jobs per month. Plus you’ll build your priceless reputation for exceptional, old-school service.
Bonus Tip:
Spend time training the person answering your phone. Everything is marketing, including the tone of voice they use, their knowledge, responsiveness, and the overall experience they offer. Make sure you have a rockstar in place that’s fully equipped to do their job. Your prospect will start forming their opinion about you as soon the conversation starts!
The big takeaway? Stand out from competitors by offering a better, more personalized point of contact. You want your prospect to be happy they called! Or texted.