The Blackberry was once the leader in Smartphone technology. The phone was excellent for organizing your emails, contacts and calendar. It is still a great tool for those three items…oh and checking the weather. Besides that, the Blackberry has finally begun to be outdated and lagging behind the new leaders: Google and Apple. I had several Blackberries for a few years and enjoyed the basic functions. That is until I switched to the iPhone. I recently helped a customer troubleshoot his Blackberry and realized just how sluggish a Blackberry continues to be! He had a Storm
2, which is new! From a developing standpoint, it is far more difficult to create business apps and mobile websites for a Blackberry. This is why the iPhone has over
000, Google has
000+ (?) and the Blackberry has.…probably less than
000. Apple and Google have made it easy for nerds to create apps for their devices while Blackberry continues to be difficult. The reason I believe it is time to ditch the Blackberry is because the Apple and Google phones are great for business users. For example, within a few months, a technician can take an iPhone with him to a job site, do a repair, type up an invoice, take a credit card, swipe the card, receive payment and email a receipt. How cool will that be? You can manage and schedule appointments from multiple calendars from an iPhone, not from a Blackberry. The ways you can run a business remotely and easy on an Apple or Google phone are far more powerful than a Blackberry. The phones are also a lot more faster to operate, search the web and easy to use. If you are holding on tight to your Blackberry because you don’t want to switch to
AT&T or you don’t like Verizon’s Droid, hold off just another month or so until the Nexus One hits the stores. You can’t go wrong with an Apple iPhone or Google’s Nexus One!
BUT…if you just want to keep life simple: email, contacts and calendar: stay with your Blackberry.
About David Chism
David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.