Let’s Talk Messaging!

Posted by David Chism | Fri, May 29, 2020

 Let’s Talk Messaging!

As a busi­ness own­er, you already know how impor­tant mes­sag­ing is as you try to reach new clients and keep in touch with your exist­ing base.

The strat­e­gy you employ has tak­en on a whole new lev­el of impor­tance in this era of COVID-19. Let’s take a clos­er look…

What’s Your Updat­ed COVID-19 Message?

Time to be real: you can offi­cial­ly piv­ot AWAY from the stan­dard COVID-19 updates. Dif­fi­cult times, chal­leng­ing times, in this togeth­er… All impor­tant things to share, but we’re past that now. Hon­est­ly, peo­ple are grow­ing tired of hear­ing it and are try­ing to look for­ward with hope. 

So, here’s what we suggest:

  • Keep a stan­dard health and safe­ty pol­i­cy on your web­site that you can link to from email cam­paigns and oth­er cus­tomer cor­re­spon­dence. It’ll be there if they need it, or are curious. 
  • SHOW what steps you’re tak­ing to pro­tect your clients. Don’t hide PPE and hand wash sta­tions think­ing that they’ll make peo­ple ner­vous — show them proud­ly in your pic­tures on social media and elsewhere.
  • Stay pos­i­tive! It’s more impor­tant than ever to show­case the work you’re doing, and fea­tur­ing a beau­ti­ful project (with pho­tos and/​or video) goes much fur­ther than just TELLING peo­ple that you’re work­ing safe­ly and are available. 

Are You Using Mes­sen­ger for Messages?

Okay, let’s talk about mes­sag­ing in a lit­er­al sense. 

Right now peo­ple are feel­ing much more com­fort­able with hav­ing peo­ple over to work around their home, and sanc­tions are lift­ing, but home­own­ers are still spend­ing a lot of time around the house. This makes it a key oppor­tu­ni­ty to cor­re­spond directly. 

Like it or not, we are in the age of tex­ting and direct mes­sag­ing, even among the old­er demo­graph­ics. Peo­ple like to chat back on forth on their terms, rather than get on a phone call or imme­di­ate­ly sched­ule an esti­mate just by fill­ing out a form. 

Get ready to mes­sage and text! We are see­ing clients expe­ri­ence tremen­dous lead activ­i­ty by real­ly own­ing this process, and being will­ing to step into this new­er age of communication. 

FAIR WARN­ING: Peo­ple expect a fast response. If they engage in a direct chat, they antic­i­pate a direct response, not a reply in 4, 6, or 8 hours. Oth­er­wise, they would’ve emailed.

If you have ques­tions or need help, just let us know! We love talk­ing about both mes­sag­ing and mes­sages, and how you mes­sage in your mes­sages. You get the idea… 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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