Live Broadcasting For Your Business

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Jan 30, 2016

 Live Broadcasting For Your Business
We have all seen a few bad if not nasty cus­tomer reviews online in the last decade. Some of you read­ing this have thick skin and do not let it both­er you. That is a good thing if you can do that! Yet it has real­ly become a prob­lem in our soci­ety of con­sumers being very bold online when they do not have to face those whom they are crit­i­ciz­ing. Can you imag­ine one of these cus­tomers com­ing up to your face and telling you that it was the worst paint­ing expe­ri­ence of their life? No, most of the time, the cus­tomers of yours will smile when you ask how every­thing went and say, Oh it was fine…nice job.” Then they will find one lit­tle thing and tell the world hid­den behind their mon­i­tor!

Live Broad­cast­ing

Before I get into a solu­tion that can help, let me intro­duce you to live broad­cast­ing. Many of you are actu­al­ly more famil­iar with live broad­cast­ing and did­n’t even think to call it that. Have you ever used Skype, Face­Time, Google Hang­outs or GoToMeet­ing to meet online or attend a webi­nar using your web cam? If you have, wel­come to live broad­cast­ing. This is where you get to be who you are in front of a live cam­era with some­one on the oth­er side of the mon­i­tor. Using a web cam to com­mu­ni­cate with some­one or an audi­ence is real­ness. There will be mis­takes made: things you wish were not includ­ed in the broad­cast” but that is ok! It is being real. Humans pre­fer real rela­tion­ships where we can com­mu­ni­cate hon­esty and trust peo­ple. Yet many of us have got­ten sucked into using tech­nol­o­gy to be some­one we are real­ly not: or maybe we are! Think about that for a moment!

How Can Live Broad­cast­ing Help With This Problem

As own­ers or man­agers of con­tract­ing com­pa­nies, you know con­sumers (good ones any­way) want to buy from peo­ple they like and trust. If your firm can begin to embrace the idea of live broad­cast­ing, it could real­ly help build trust with con­sumers. One of the best things about live broad­cast­ing is that the per­son record­ing live will make mis­takes and that is actu­al­ly a great thing. Peo­ple watch­ing the live broad­cast will get to see your com­pa­ny for real. It is real­ly no dif­fer­ent than doing an esti­mate for some­one. You have to show up, shake hands, talk about a project and com­mu­ni­cate face to face. Impromp­tu has always been the best form of com­mu­ni­cat­ing. If we hon­est with our­selves, we do not like a canned response or speech, right? If we con­tin­ue to edit videos to com­mu­ni­cate and make them per­fect (behind the scenes) we will not be com­mu­ni­cat­ing gen­uine trust with our cus­tomers. Do not get me wrong, cre­at­ing and edit­ing a com­pa­ny video, a project blog and so forth has its place. There is some­thing to be said to orga­nize one’s thoughts, pre­pare for a speech and com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly. Yet some­times it is good just to tap the record but­ton and start talk­ing!

What Do You Talk About with Live Broadcasting

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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