Make Customers Feel Comfortable

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Feb 24, 2017

 Make Customers Feel Comfortable

This tip, Make Cus­tomers Feel Com­fort­able, might be a no-brain­er for many of you read­ing this blog. How­ev­er, I am sur­prised at how often employ­ees of home improve­ment com­pa­nies can get cus­tomers into some awk­ward moments.

Let me give you a real-life exam­ple that hap­pened this week.

My Exam­ple

A few days ago, we had solar pan­els installed on my home. The com­pa­ny that installed them had well-brand­ed vehi­cles. They mar­ket their ser­vices heav­i­ly in my area, so they have an image to main­tain. As the crews arrived and began set­ting up, they decid­ed to turn on their music so all could hear. This is not nec­es­sar­i­ly a bad thing, but it is prob­a­bly best to think about ear­buds these days and keep­ing music qui­et or silent. I know some­times hav­ing a head­set on could also vio­late some safe­ty laws too. Yet, play­ing music was not the big issue here. It was the type of music they turned on. I was get­ting ready to head out the door for work, and my wife came inside to tell me that the music the crew was lis­ten­ing to was over-the-top sex­u­al­ly explicit.

Here is the awk­ward moment for me, the home­own­er. I did not real­ly want to tell the crews to turn down their music. I was will­ing to do that, but I thought the sales guy should know what was going on and deal with it. So I con­tact­ed him first. As a good sales guy would do, he was apolo­getic and said, They know bet­ter than that!” Here is where it got uncom­fort­able. He said he’d take care of it and then fol­lowed up with, I can ask them to turn it down but only if you want me to.” Wait! What? He was will­ing to let them con­tin­ue to lis­ten to sex­u­al­ly explic­it music when I just com­plained about it? I was con­cerned about my kids and neigh­bors. My 11-year-old son also came inside and told me how bad the music was…as he heard just enough!

Why was it uncom­fort­able? The sales­per­son put me in a posi­tion where I had to choose what should be done. He want­ed me to make the deci­sion. I was leav­ing for the day and had con­cerns that we were off to a bad start crit­i­ciz­ing the crew for their loud and gross music. I did­n’t real­ly want to leave my wife home with 4 guys on my roof know­ing we just complained!

My response to the sales­per­son was sim­ply this, That is your deci­sion. I’m just giv­ing you feed­back. You’ll have to fig­ure out how to han­dle it.” Obvi­ous­ly he did some­thing because the music stopped before I left for work.


I think the take­away of this exam­ple again is obvi­ous, but maybe it is a reminder for you. You might want to check in with your field guys and make sure they are doing things accord­ing to your com­pa­ny stan­dards and guide­lines. Make sure you are con­stant­ly train­ing your staff to take respon­si­bil­i­ty and are nev­er putting your cus­tomer in a sit­u­a­tion that they feel stu­pid or defen­sive and so forth. Make the process pain­less and pos­i­tive from start to fin­ish. If there is an issue, make that cus­tomer feel con­fi­dent that your com­pa­ny will take care of it — no ques­tions asked!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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