Nail Salon Switches to Using Exterior House Paint

Posted by Joel Poortenga | Mon, Sep 11, 2017

 Nail Salon Switches to Using Exterior House Paint
ASHEVILLE, NC – The clients of Nailed It salon have always been delight­ed with the ser­vice they receive. How­ev­er, own­er and beau­ti­cian Don­na Tel­lo knew there was room for improve­ment. Even though she used the best nail prod­ucts and appli­ca­tion tech­niques, the lifes­pan of the man­i­cure could only be mea­sured in weeks. In rare cas­es, a client could eek a cou­ple months out of a nail job. We knew we had to find a way to improve these results” said Tello. The break­through came from an unex­pect­ed source. As she was plan­ning some home ren­o­va­tions, Mrs. Tel­lo was read­ing about the longevi­ty of pre­mi­um exte­ri­or house paints. When I read that exte­ri­or paint can last from five to eight years, I had a light­bulb moment! That was exact­ly what I need­ed for my clients!” While the idea had obvi­ous mer­it, Mrs. Tel­lo need­ed to do more research before she could start using exte­ri­or paint on her clients’ fin­ger­nails. It turns out there are sev­er­al stages you need to go through before you apply the paint. It was a learn­ing curve, I can tell you!” Now that the process is per­fect­ed, clients of the Nailed It salon are rav­ing about the expe­ri­ence! Celine Corville, 54, report­ed that she will nev­er for­get her first man­i­cure using the new method. I was skep­ti­cal when she brought out the wire brush, but she could­n’t hear my objec­tions over the roar of the pres­sure wash­er. Before I knew it, my nails were clean­er than Martha Stew­art’s countertops!” Anoth­er client, Lucin­da God­frey, con­tin­ued: I did­n’t know what to think when she brought out blue tape and began out­lin­ing my nails. Then she dipped the paint roller in the tray of primer, and I was sure this was a dis­as­ter in the making.” For the clients who did­n’t try to escape halfway through the man­i­cure trail­ing painters tape wild­ly behind them, the pay­off was amaz­ing. After apply­ing two coats of Sher­win Moore’s high-gloss exte­ri­or paint, Mrs. Tel­lo pulled off the blue tape to reveal the fin­ished prod­uct. With flaw­less edges, con­sis­tent col­or and a smooth, bright fin­ish, these nails were ready for a pho­to shoot! The best part is, now my nails are a per­fect match with the shut­ters on my house!” gushed Irma Dal­ton. And to think — I won’t have to get this done again for at least five years! At pub­lish­ing time, Mrs. Tel­lo was at Home Depot com­par­ing spack­le prod­ucts for pos­si­ble use in repair­ing facial flaws.

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