Neighbors Complain When Pops of Color Become Too Loud

Posted by Adam Zobel | Wed, Aug 23, 2017

 Neighbors Complain When Pops of Color Become Too Loud
Eagle Heights, CT — I don’t like to com­plain, but this just got out of con­trol,” declares Bet­ty Car­bun­cle of Eagle Heights. There’s a cer­tain way we paint in this neigh­bor­hood, and it is not like that.” Car­bun­cle was just one of sev­er­al neigh­bors who say they were dri­ven to com­plain when Alice Web­ber began choos­ing col­ors that were just too loud. small business marketing It start­ed small, like any neigh­bor­hood trou­ble I sup­pose,” said Car­bun­cle, peer­ing pen­sive­ly over the top of her Pomeran­ian. What­ev­er hap­pens in your home is your busi­ness, but when we could start to see accent col­ors through the win­dows, well, it was all too much.” Author­i­ties con­firmed that Webber’s home did con­tain mul­ti­ple exam­ples of unnec­es­sary col­or, as well as assort­ed paint­ing para­pher­na­lia. We’ve seen this before,” one offi­cial said. Gate­way col­ors like Earthy Brick seem harm­less enough, but before you know it you’re paint­ing ombré walls with col­ors like Repur­posed Ker­mit and Rain­bow Con­nec­tion. Sup­pli­ers make it easy. Too easy.” Six cans of chalk­board paint were also recov­ered, as well as what appears to have been an unused roll of stick-on wallpaper.  Web­ber declined to com­ment, but blamed HGTV and Pin­ter­est for her sud­den impulse to add increas­ing­ly loud pops of col­or, and and admit­ted to even con­sid­er­ing options beyond white for her kitchen cabinets.

About Adam Zobel

Adam came to us with a background in teaching, writing, and a work history that included serving numerous small businesses (including assisting with content writing and marketing efforts). He was a natural fit, and enjoys connecting with our clients, creating unique content that reflects their culture and voice. We keep him busy! Adam handles blogging, email campaigns, website content creation, copywriting for print and promotional materials, social media, letters, mailers, and more. He also does a dynamo impression of Nicolas Cage, but you didn’t hear that from us. Adam lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two boys. He is also a 1st cousin of David’s wife!


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