Never Forget

Posted by David Chism | Sun, Dec 19, 2010

 Never Forget
Nev­er For­get. In the past 9 years, this short phrase has become the mar­ket­ing and brand­ing for 911. It is very effec­tive, and I am 100% sup­port­ive of the effort. Like many of you, I will nev­er for­get. But today, I want to talk about how these pow­er­ful two words relate to this hol­i­day sea­son. My con­vic­tions and beliefs are who I am, and they influ­ence every part of my life, includ­ing my busi­ness. I want to use this space today to open up some of what is in my heart this time of year. Nev­er for­get! What is my hope this Christ­mas sea­son? That you will nev­er for­get the true mean­ing of Christ­mas. What start­ed as the sto­ry and cel­e­bra­tion of the Christ child has now become the most mar­ket­ed event in his­to­ry. It’s an indus­try in itself, and the in many ways the antic­i­pa­tion and prepa­ra­tion for Christ­mas takes up almost 10% of the year — all for one day! 24 hours! 1440 min­utes, and all the hus­tle and bus­tle of shop­ping, eat­ing, dec­o­rat­ing and gift giv­ing will pass away. Dom­i­nat­ed by images of San­ta, elves and snowflakes, Christ­mas is less reli­gious than ever before — it’s a fam­i­ly hol­i­day event. Now, before you label me a reli­gious Grinch, know this: I dec­o­rate my house, sport a San­ta hat, dec­o­rate a Christ­mas tree, give gifts and host a Rein­deer Antler Par­ty” each year. But every year, I also stop and reflect on the true mean­ing of Christ­mas. As a Chris­t­ian I can get lost in the bus­tle of the hol­i­days, and I must pause to ask myself, Why am I doing all these things? What is the pur­pose? Back­ing away from all the fes­tive and fun Christ­mas activ­i­ties, I need to reflect on how this day actu­al­ly start­ed. Christ­mas is ulti­mate­ly about one major event: the most con­tro­ver­sial event in his­to­ry and the most mind bog­gling idea to ever enter the hearts of mankind. The Christ­mas Sto­ry, The Event is this: God became man. That’s it. That one thing has baf­fled the minds of schol­ars and sim­ple folks for cen­turies. How could God become man, and why all the excite­ment? This Sun­day, our pas­tor preached on Luke 1:39 – 56, which is the sto­ry of Mary vis­it­ing her cousin Elis­a­beth, who was preg­nant with John the Bap­tist. Our pas­tor dis­cussed all the extra­or­di­nary events that took place at the first Christ­mas. Angels appear to priests and shep­herds, vir­gins and car­pen­ters. A young woman becomes preg­nant while remain­ing a vir­gin, Elizabeth’s baby leaps in the womb when the he hears the voice of Jesus’ moth­er, Zachari­ah is not able to speak for 9 months until his promised son, John, is born, and kings show up out of nowhere bring­ing king­ly gifts because of a new star. None of these super­nat­ur­al and extra­or­di­nary events were com­mon two thou­sand years ago. This was all weird and unbe­liev­able then, and it is still just as much so today! Many peo­ple thought the sto­ry was the stu­pid­est fairy tale ever told in those days, and many con­tin­ue to say so now. How on earth can God become man! Impos­si­ble. Well, as God’s angel said to Mary, With God, noth­ing is impos­si­ble” (Luke 1:37). I guess it tru­ly is a sto­ry received by faith. So my hope and prayer for all who might stum­ble upon this blog is this: That you will stop and reflect on your life. Why are you doing social media, blog­ging, or grow­ing a busi­ness? Why are you run­ning a busi­ness or work­ing for some­one? Why do you strive to be the best in your field of work? Why do you cel­e­brate Christ­mas — or why don’t you? What do you believe about God? Read the Christ­mas sto­ry slow­ly this week…slow down and nev­er for­get! If you don’t believe in God, read the sto­ry in the Gospel of Luke 1 and 2 any­ways. Maybe you’ll under­stand a lit­tle more about God and what HIS­to­ry is all about. As I stop and reflect this day, all I can do is thank God for His pro­vi­sion. He has blessed me with a great busi­ness, awe­some cus­tomers and a won­der­ful fam­i­ly! I am thank­ful for all the sup­port I’ve received since start­ing my own busi­ness in 2009. God is good, and I’m so excit­ed to cel­e­brate the day when Christ was born — that he came for the sole pur­pose of res­cu­ing sin­ners like me from their sins. Social Media Christ­mas — Mary and Joseph on Facebook

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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