Never Forget
Never Forget. In the past 9 years, this short phrase has become the marketing and branding for 9⁄11. It is very effective, and I am 100% supportive of the effort. Like many of you, I will never forget. But today, I want to talk about how these powerful two words relate to this holiday season. My convictions and beliefs are who I am, and they influence every part of my life, including my business. I want to use this space today to open up some of what is in my heart this time of year. Never forget! What is my hope this Christmas season? That you will never forget the true meaning of Christmas. What started as the story and celebration of the Christ child has now become the most marketed event in history. It’s an industry in itself, and the in many ways the anticipation and preparation for Christmas takes up almost 10% of the year — all for one day! 24 hours! 1440 minutes, and all the hustle and bustle of shopping, eating, decorating and gift giving will pass away. Dominated by images of Santa, elves and snowflakes, Christmas is less religious than ever before — it’s a family holiday event. Now, before you label me a religious Grinch, know this: I decorate my house, sport a Santa hat, decorate a Christmas tree, give gifts and host a “Reindeer Antler Party” each year. But every year, I also stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. As a Christian I can get lost in the bustle of the holidays, and I must pause to ask myself, “Why am I doing all these things? What is the purpose? Backing away from all the festive and fun Christmas activities, I need to reflect on how this day actually started. Christmas is ultimately about one major event: the most controversial event in history and the most mind boggling idea to ever enter the hearts of mankind. The Christmas Story, The Event is this: God became man. That’s it. That one thing has baffled the minds of scholars and simple folks for centuries. How could God become man, and why all the excitement? This Sunday, our pastor preached on Luke 1:39 – 56, which is the story of Mary visiting her cousin Elisabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. Our pastor discussed all the extraordinary events that took place at the first Christmas. Angels appear to priests and shepherds, virgins and carpenters. A young woman becomes pregnant while remaining a virgin, Elizabeth’s baby leaps in the womb when the he hears the voice of Jesus’ mother, Zachariah is not able to speak for 9 months until his promised son, John, is born, and kings show up out of nowhere bringing kingly gifts because of a new star. None of these supernatural and extraordinary events were common two thousand years ago. This was all weird and unbelievable then, and it is still just as much so today! Many people thought the story was the stupidest fairy tale ever told in those days, and many continue to say so now. How on earth can God become man! Impossible. Well, as God’s angel said to Mary, “With God, nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37). I guess it truly is a story received by faith. So my hope and prayer for all who might stumble upon this blog is this: That you will stop and reflect on your life. Why are you doing social media, blogging, or growing a business? Why are you running a business or working for someone? Why do you strive to be the best in your field of work? Why do you celebrate Christmas — or why don’t you? What do you believe about God? Read the Christmas story slowly this week…slow down and never forget! If you don’t believe in God, read the story in the Gospel of Luke 1 and 2 anyways. Maybe you’ll understand a little more about God and what HIStory is all about. As I stop and reflect this day, all I can do is thank God for His provision. He has blessed me with a great business, awesome customers and a wonderful family! I am thankful for all the support I’ve received since starting my own business in 2009. God is good, and I’m so excited to celebrate the day when Christ was born — that he came for the sole purpose of rescuing sinners like me from their sins. Social Media Christmas — Mary and Joseph on Facebook