New Facebook Business Page Update vs Twitter

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Feb 10, 2011

 New Facebook Business Page Update vs Twitter
I’ve been using Twit­ter quite a bit more the past year. I pre­ferred Face­book because it was not so fast pace as Twit­ter, but Face­book just was not very busi­ness friend­ly. For exam­ple, if I com­ment­ed on a busi­ness page, it would always leave my com­ment as my name, not my busi­ness. On Twit­ter, I could post as my busi­ness! This was a nice fea­ture as I could have employ­ees do the same thing. Well, my frus­tra­tions with Face­book lack­ing good busi­ness tools may have changed start­ing today! Why? Face­book just released a brand new busi­ness page pro­file view and fea­tures. Every­thing that frus­trat­ed me seems to have been addressed and changed for the good. I can now switch between busi­ness and per­son­al just by click­ing a but­ton on the nav­i­ga­tion bar. I can now like” and com­ment” as my com­pa­ny, A David Cre­ation, not ME. At times, I’ll still want to com­ment and share as ME, so I can click a but­ton and com­ment as ME! Why is this a good thing? It makes grow­ing your fan base a lot eas­i­er. When you com­ment as YOU, not a busi­ness, peo­ple can click on your pro­file and become a friend. Maybe you don’t want to be friends with them on a per­son­al lev­el. Maybe you only want to be a busi­ness acquain­tance.” That is why com­ment­ing as your busi­ness name is so much bet­ter (keep busi­ness and per­son­al sep­a­rate). Now a com­pa­ny will see your com­ment as a busi­ness, click on your pro­file” and be tak­ing to your Face­book Busi­ness Page, not your per­son­al friend page. I am friends with most of my clients on a per­son­al” lev­el already and will con­tin­ue to be! BUT these new Face­book fea­tures basi­cal­ly makes it a piece of cake to get your name out there to more prospects. Assum­ing the new changes are bug free and are here to stay, I’ll be spend­ing less time on Twit­ter and more on Face­book, because it is so much less intense for me. It is clean and orga­nized. Twit­ter can make your head spin! I am in the begin­ning stages of test­ing all the fea­tures out, but so far, I’m very hap­py with this update! What do you think? Are you hap­py with the new look and fea­tures? Do you think Twit­ter will suf­fer because of these new updates?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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