New Product Announcement: Mirror Paint for Gyms!

Posted by Joel Poortenga | Mon, Mar 26, 2018

 New Product Announcement: Mirror Paint for Gyms!
What is the most impor­tant piece of equip­ment in any gym, fit­ness cen­ter, or work­out facil­i­ty? Mir­rors, of course! After all, who wants to lift weights or run on a tread­mill if you can’t look at your­self while you do it? Until now, fit­ness cen­ters had to rely on con­ven­tion­al mir­rors, placed on every avail­able wall sur­face, so that no mat­ter which way their clients looked, they could admire their toned abs and bulky biceps. The prob­lem is that mir­rors are expen­sive, and they’re dan­ger­ous if they break,” explained gym own­er Anto­nio Golds. Anoth­er gym own­er, Fabio Cros-Phit, added, No mat­ter how many mir­rors we bought, there were always some spaces we missed.” Not any­more! ADC Paints is proud to announce our best inno­va­tion to date: mir­ror paint!  Now, every square inch of your facil­i­ty can reflect the strain­ings and sweat­ings of your preen­ing patrons. Ceil­ing ducts, water cool­ers… even fire alarm pull sta­tions will pro­vide cru­cial moti­va­tion to the fit­ness fanat­ics. So, what’s next? Our tech depart­ment is work­ing to devel­op freeweights with built-in self­ie cam­eras, so you can get per­fect pic­tures of your work­out with­out need­ing to set down a weight or ask a friend for assistance!

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