New Year's Resolution; a Quick-Fading Paint Line Now on Sale

Posted by Joel Poortenga | Tue, Jan 9, 2018

 New Year's Resolution; a Quick-Fading Paint Line Now on Sale
Bend, OR - For home­own­ers deter­mined to make changes in their homes this year, ADC Paints has devel­oped an amaz­ing new line of inte­ri­or paints. With the promis­ing name of New-Years Res­o­lu­tion,” these del­i­cate­ly-for­mu­lat­ed paints look bright and live­ly for any­where from 3 to 6 weeks. Once the Res­o­lu­tion col­or has fad­ed, the wall will look exact­ly as it did before you paint­ed it. One of the most amaz­ing aspects of this prod­uct is that it will spo­rad­i­cal­ly reap­pear through­out the year. For exam­ple, it may come back for a week in April, three days in August, and one morn­ing in September.  Addi­tion­al­ly, unless you paint a new col­or over it, your Res­o­lu­tion col­or will reap­pear the next year on Jan­u­ary 1st, begin­ning the pat­tern anew! The fol­low­ing are just a few of the inspir­ing col­ors includ­ed in the New-Years Res­o­lu­tion paint line: New years Resolutions paint colors Rumor is, ADC Paints is still devel­op­ing a new prod­uct for those who have become jad­ed by failed res­o­lu­tions in the past. Giv­en the snazzy name, Dimin­ished Expec­ta­tions,” this prod­uct is bound to be a hit with the real­ists around us. An ini­tial draft of the pub­lic­i­ty for Dimin­ished Expec­ta­tions” reads as fol­lows: Indulge in the smug supe­ri­or­i­ty of your nihilis­tic views, with a mean­ing­less lack of ambi­tion that is guar­an­teed not to pro­duce any new results in your life.” Ear­ly test­ing of the prod­uct seems to be work­ing, as the test walls have yet to show any sign of change. Skep­tics argue that there isn’t even any­thing in the paint can!

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