Outsourcing Blogs | Great Video from SEOmoz.org
A few years ago, most small service business owners did not know what a blog is? Now, more of these owners have blogs on their site. However, when I look over company blogs, I do not see either good content or activity. Most of the time a company starts a blog with good intentions but gets too busy to keep up! This is why, I highly recommend outsourcing your blog writing services to a professional writer. You will find hundreds and thousands of writers who are capable to writer for you. The key for you is to find the right writer(s) that fits well for you. The video below is about 10 minutes and a little technical. However, it is worth the 10 minutes to discuss the important of outsourcing content and the benefits of hiring a good writer. The presenter makes an excellent point: 1 Good Article is worth ten if not a hundred crummy articles. So watch the video and create a plan on hiring a skilled writer to create remarkable content for your business. As always, please give me your feedback. Whiteboard Friday — Outsourcing Content Creation