Painters Using Twitter

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Aug 3, 2009

A few paint com­pa­nies have asked me if I used Twit­ter and if I think it is worth their com­pa­ny get­ting on Twit­ter. For those of you not famil­iar with Twit­ter, it is a anoth­er form of Social Media or Social Net­work­ing for indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es. Twit­ter allows the user to type in 140 char­ac­ters per post, which Twit­ter calls What Are You Doing?” It is basi­cal­ly like send­ing a text mes­sage, but the mes­sage goes to any­one who sub­scribes to your Twit­ter account, also called Tweets.” A lot of the larg­er cor­po­ra­tions use Twit­ter to post updates about new prod­ucts and ser­vices and lis­ten to feed­back as Twit­ter allows users to com­ment and reply on each post. Twit­ter for a paint­ing con­trac­tor is not a bad idea, but I am not sure how much busi­ness one will reep by post­ing updates. The best thing Twit­ter can do for a paint com­pa­ny is build more brand aware­ness and hope­ful­ly a few refer­rals. The more places you can post your com­pa­ny online, the bet­ter! It is a form of anoth­er term called Social Book­mark­ing.” You are plac­ing your name and web­site links all over the place. Social net­work­ing, blog­ging, book­mark­ing, etc. is still very new to all of us, so there is real­ly not a great ROI to report for painters and remodelers…YET. I hope it proves to be a suc­cess for the busi­ness own­er. It does not hurt to give Twit­ter a try. It just takes dis­ci­pline and a lot of time.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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