Painters Using Twitter
A few paint companies have asked me if I used Twitter and if I think it is worth their company getting on Twitter. For those of you not familiar with Twitter, it is a another form of Social Media or Social Networking for individuals and businesses. Twitter allows the user to type in 140 characters per post, which Twitter calls “What Are You Doing?” It is basically like sending a text message, but the message goes to anyone who subscribes to your Twitter account, also called “Tweets.” A lot of the larger corporations use Twitter to post updates about new products and services and listen to feedback as Twitter allows users to comment and reply on each post. Twitter for a painting contractor is not a bad idea, but I am not sure how much business one will reep by posting updates. The best thing Twitter can do for a paint company is build more brand awareness and hopefully a few referrals. The more places you can post your company online, the better! It is a form of another term called “Social Bookmarking.” You are placing your name and website links all over the place. Social networking, blogging, bookmarking, etc. is still very new to all of us, so there is really not a great ROI to report for painters and remodelers…YET. I hope it proves to be a success for the business owner. It does not hurt to give Twitter a try. It just takes discipline and a lot of time.