Pay Per Click Campaigns for Contractors
As the weather begins to change and contractors begin wondering how they will be getting leads, I would strongly suggest investing in a quality Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign. If done correctly, a Pay Per Click campaign is easy to track and will typically have consistent results. It will usually provide leads at a much faster rate than many other forms of marketing as the ads are targeted to consumers looking for one’s services. A PPC campaign can be found on almost all search engines, Google Adwords being the most popular. I’d suggest doing three PPC campaigns: 1 on Google, 1 on Yahoo or Bing and 1 on Facebook. To get started you need: 1) An account, 2) A Budget, 3) Know your Keywords, 4) a Landing Page, 5) and Someone to monitor and track results! From my experience, a successful PPC is hard to do in house. You might find better results outsourcing this to someone who is a master at PPC. If you decide to do this yourself, it might require spending a little more money and time tweaking the campaigns before you begin to see results. The key really comes down to having the right landing page and keywords. If you get stuck or have a question, shoot me an email.