Pipeline Deals CRM Integrates with Quickbooks and More

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Nov 23, 2015

 Pipeline Deals CRM Integrates with Quickbooks and More
I have been a fan of Pipeline Deals CRM for quite a few years now. It is one of the sim­plest and eas­i­est ways to use CRMs for small busi­ness­es, espe­cial­ly con­trac­tors. The major­i­ty of the paint­ing clients I work with are using Pipeline Deals. It does not have all the fea­tures of some of the more com­plex pro­grams out there such as: Sales­force, Zoho, Base, to name a few. I pret­ty much think that most CRMs on the mar­ket have a place. There is room for a lot of com­pe­ti­tion. So when I write about Pipeline, it does not mean it is the best CRM for a con­trac­tor. It real­ly depends on a num­ber of fac­tors and what the com­pa­ny real­ly wants a CRM to do!

Quick­Books Online

PLD-QBNow, we have some excit­ing news as we wrap up Novem­ber 2015 about Pipeline Deals. They made a new inte­gra­tion that real­ly does save users some extra time and avoids dou­ble entry! Dou­ble entry tends to be com­mon amongst many CRMs that do not link to your oth­er favorite apps, like Quick­books. The workaround has been pro­grams like Zapi­er. Zapi­er works just fine with hun­dreds of apps, but I love it when the there is a real inte­gra­tion between two apps. This is the case with Pipeline when they recent­ly inte­grat­ed their CRM with Quick­books Online. Instead of hav­ing to let your book­keep­er know you have a new job that was sold, once a job is marked as won, it will send the infor­ma­tion to Quick­books Online auto­mat­i­cal­ly! No more need to dou­ble entry your cus­tomer infor­ma­tion!

Email Inside of Pipeline

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 2.46.44 PMAnoth­er big release from Pipeline this fall was send­ing and receiv­ing emails direct­ly with­in Pipeline. This again, avoids the need to jump back and forth between your email plat­form. This update has been rolling out to users and is still being updat­ed (get­ting bet­ter). I was an ear­ly test pilot of the email sys­tem. It is start­ing out very basic, yet it works well. I believe they will be adding the abil­i­ty to send emails with­in a deal or con­tract soon.

Task Automa­tion

This is not a new update as of this fall, but I did not get noti­fied by Pipeline about it. I had to con­tact them ask­ing for this fea­ture, and they showed me that it was already live! The inter­face and the use is pret­ty basic, so I hope they will make it eas­i­er for users. How­ev­er, the task automa­tion does work. You can cre­ate a num­ber of dif­fer­ent next steps auto­mat­i­cal­ly. An exam­ple, if you move a deal to the state sent esti­mate,” you can have a task cre­at­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly that gives you the next steps in the sales cycle: call in 2 days if no word. 

Sums it Up

The updates I have seen Pipeline cre­ate this year are pret­ty major for this CRM com­pa­ny. They tend to have a very qual­i­ty work­ing prod­uct that just works; their updates have always been minor and slow with a big one here and there. By adding email inte­gra­tion, Quick­books Online and task automa­tion this year, makes their prod­uct that much bet­ter in the CRM mar­ket for ser­vice com­pa­nies. If you are look­ing for a CRM for your com­pa­ny and do not want a lot of bells and whis­tles, many of my clients have been quite hap­py with Pipeline. In the 4+ years many of them have been using it, I do not see them jump­ing ship to hunt for some­thing big­ger or bet­ter. Give it a spin with a 2 week free tri­al. After that, depend­ing on what you’d like to have it do, it is $24 or $48 a month per user. These are decent prices for this type of CRM. You can find some for less and oth­ers for quite a bit more. Most of my clients are at the $24 a month lev­el.
Side Note: Oh, for­got one last thing that hap­pened with Pipeline this year. They have some of the eas­i­est to use report­ing tools already in Pipeline. How­ev­er, they cre­at­ed an inte­gra­tion for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheet users. So you can map a report to a cus­tom spread­sheet. This is a pret­ty nifty and handy tool for work­ing on ana­lyt­ics of your sales and marketing. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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