Post-Pandemic Reflections: Things I Can’t Afford To Forget

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Mar 23, 2021

 Post-Pandemic Reflections: Things I Can’t Afford To Forget

I’ll nev­er for­get this past year…

Just 12 months ago I was sit­ting in an all-day busi­ness meet­ing when my phone and com­put­er start­ed to light up with cus­tomers want­i­ng to talk to me about can­cel­ing, paus­ing, or adjust­ing their mar­ket­ing ser­vices. I wrote about that expe­ri­ence, and my first few months of the lock­down, in this blog post: Embrac­ing Uncer­tain­ty. I’m sure you have your own moments that you can clear­ly recall, when the world as we knew it seemed to grind to a sud­den halt. 

Dur­ing a recent call with my busi­ness coach, she asked me what I had learned over the past 12 months. I start­ed list­ing off a few lit­tle things. 

What else?” she asked.

I list­ed a few more top-of-mind takeaways. 

What else?” she asked.

She was push­ing me to keep dig­ging. Not easy, but so valuable. 

I’m learn­ing so much about myself, my cus­tomers, my envi­ron­ment, my busi­ness, my fam­i­ly, my rela­tion­ships, and real­ly just about peo­ple! I’m learn­ing to nev­er stop reflecting. 

So, What Did I Learn (and con­tin­ue to learn)?

Here are a few key things I’ve dis­cov­ered I can do:

  • I can change and adapt
  • I can grow and get stronger
  • I can do hard things for my busi­ness, and make hard decisions

Here are a few key things I’ve learned:

  • How to write bet­ter job descriptions
  • How to cre­ate SOPs
  • How to interview
  • How to hire and train
  • That it’s okay to lose clients and find new ones
  • Nev­er give up & stay in the game

Noth­ing forces eval­u­a­tion and growth like hav­ing the rug pulled out from under you. It can be painful in the moment, but it’s so worthwhile.

I remem­ber how help­less I felt a year ago, cry­ing out to God and ask­ing for His help. I real­ized just how much I need­ed to spend time in prayer and read­ing the Bible, and that encour­aged me to start a week­ly con­trac­tor prayer group that con­tin­ues to this day. 

And Here I am Today

So here I am a year lat­er, reflect­ing on the past 12 months and look­ing ahead to the next year. 

I have hired sev­er­al new peo­ple, found an excep­tion­al busi­ness coach that has pushed me beyond what I thought was pos­si­ble, and have new busi­ness sys­tems in place. I also have a half dozen or so new clients. 

My prayer group is grow­ing — we pray for the con­struc­tion indus­try as a whole, as well as indi­vid­ual needs. I also am part way through a coach­ing pro­gram, learn­ing how to be a bet­ter coach! It has been awesome. 

In clos­ing, all I can say is that I am grate­ful. I am blessed. I am learn­ing that as I move for­ward in 2021, I can­not for­get what hap­pened in 2020. I’m not ashamed to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ, espe­cial­ly since He is the One who got me through the COVID crazi­ness. I hope I nev­er lean on my own strength but rely on His good­ness and mercy. 

I am also so thank­ful for the new friend­ships and rela­tion­ships I’ve devel­oped over the past year. Final­ly, I am tru­ly look­ing for­ward to grow­ing and devel­op­ing as a mar­ket­ing guru, and help­ing my cus­tomers con­tin­ue on their own journeys.

How about YOU? What have you learned that you can car­ry with you, and that you can’t afford to forget?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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