Promote Your Company with How To Videos

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Oct 14, 2010

 Promote Your Company with How To Videos
I’ve been on the soap box for months now telling my con­trac­tor clients to start record­ing, pro­duc­ing and publishing/​sharing videos NOW. Videos online are also called video blog­ging.” Why? Because videos can be opti­mized for search engines, just like a blog. The videos don’t have to be a hol­ly­wood pro­duc­tion either. All you need is a good high qual­i­ty Flip Cam, Smart­phone or HD Cam­corder, edit­ing soft­ware such as iMovie or MovieMak­er and a YouTube account to get start­ed. YouTube is free and owned by Google, so it is a great place to begin. Once you start see­ing some fruit from your labors, you can upgrade to some of the more pow­er­ful video host­ing sites: Vid­dler, Squidoo and Vimeo to name a few. What Kind of Videos Should I Be Producing? You can pro­duce many types of videos. To start things off, pub­lish a few how to videos and a few before and after videos of jobs you are doing. Keep them short 1 – 3 min­utes as vis­i­tors get bored after 3 min­utes. The only way you can get away with a longer video is if you are doing more of a Web­cast” edu­cat­ing folks live. Oh and don’t be afraid of How To Videos. If you have not fig­ured it out by now, the web is pub­lic, very pub­lic. If you post some­thing online, your com­peti­tors might see it. You just have to be the leader, the com­pa­ny peo­ple look to as the experts in remod­el­ing, paint­ing, HVAC, and so on. Post those How To Videos: the more the bet­ter! Also, con­sumers like them. You might get a few peo­ple look­ing to do things them­selves, but many con­sumers use the web to research and edu­cate them­selves so they don’t look like an idiot when they talk to a con­trac­tor. Think about it, how many times have you been in a prospects home dis­cussing their kitchen remod­el or paint col­ors and the home­own­er seems to know a lot about the lat­est prod­ucts, appli­ances or paint brands? The web is mak­ing peo­ple appear smarter. So give them what they want. You’ll become their edu­ca­tion source. Your goal is that they will book­mark your web­site, Youtube Chan­nel and/​or share with their friends. One final piece of advice about videos: make sure they are halfway decent and that you are proud of your work. I’ve seen a few videos online recent­ly that were done well but the work was not so hot. Videos can help or hurt your brand, so choose your videos wise­ly. If you want to learn more about why videos are good for pro­mot­ing your busi­ness and get­ting leads, read or lis­ten to Crush It! by Gary Vayn­er­chuk. A few videos done by BIG com­pa­nies (there is a rea­son they are invest­ing in videos…so watch and do like­wise) Cus­tomer Feed­back by Out­back Steakhouse Prod­uct Suc­cess Video & Case Study (Toro) Behind the Scenes Look at Design­ing a Car (Ford Motor Company) Fies­ta Prod­uct Demon­stra­tion (Brand­ing to The Right Audi­ence) This one was fun­ny How To Remove Acoustic Ceilings No Ugly Doors (Good How Tos)

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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