Quality Over Quantity: Don’t Post Just for the Sake of Posting
If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything at all.
For years my clients have heard me say things like, “Post pictures!” “Post videos!” “Come on… get those posts out there!” “Write those blogs!!!!”
In fact, sometimes on our recurring marketing huddles my clients even joke about my reminders to keep photos coming, hunting for that next great piece of content.
Is it important to keep your company’s “story” visible online? Absolutely. But sometimes, you know what? You might just not have anything to say. Could be writer’s block, or it could be that you’re working on a job that isn’t visually exciting.
Give yourself permission to go dark for a little while
Love it or hate it, social media and websites are here to stay. There’s a constant pressure to find the right pictures, videos, or words to share, especially when you see your competitors doing it, but it’s really okay to take a breather now and then.
Actually, it can be good. I see some contractors who post religiously, but their content isn’t helpful, exciting, or even unique week to week. They’re posting for the sake of posting, and not adding any real value or contributing to any sort of larger conversation.
You might have other, more valuable things to do
There are times when I am hot and heavy into planning meetings or marketing assignments, and am not ready to post an update on my social media outlets.
That’s okay. Take the time you need, and don’t sacrifice the critical for the optional.
This isn’t just my two centers, either.. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a post from a major social media influencer on LinkedIn basically say the same thing!
This was a comforting post to read, as I was practicing this already but really didn’t think much of it. I posted when I had something I wanted to share, and when I didn’t, I said nothing.
I am planning on sharing more in 2022 as I learn things I feel will be valuable to my audience. If there is a week or two that goes by and I can’t think of what to say, I won’t post. It is that simple.
With that said…
This doesn’t mean I’ll be hiding and staying off social media completely. I’ll use my time to engage and develop relationships with others online. I’d encourage you to do the same. Using social media is not just about sharing your updates — it’s about connecting with others and building relationships that are as real as possible.
So don’t lose momentum with your content or social media, but also don’t beat yourself up when you need a break. As you let yourself off the hook and get more spontaneous, I bet your quality will go up, plus you’ll enjoy the process more too.