A number of you know that I have a strong working relationship with a full service business consulting firm, based in Philadelphia,
Summit Services, Inc. I have been connected with them since they started in late
2003. When they started, their target audience were painting contractors. In more recent years, they offered full business and financial coaching to any small or medium size business. They now have a wide variety of business industries in the network. In addition to business consulting, Summit also offers an in and outbound Call Center, Marketing Management (thru me), Sales Training and now…
Finding Good People Recruiting is perhaps the single must frustrating thing for small business owners. Many times you spend weeks looking to hire someone and that individual doesn’t work out half the time. I’ve seen this happen many a time. Summit Services can now offer full headhunting and recruiting at a very reasonable fee too! One special feature that makes Summit the go to place for recruiting a salesperson, production manager or office manager is due to their connections with Linkedin. They have full access to profiles in their national professional network. Through advanced search tools, they will be able to search for and proactively recruit candidates (profiles) that meet specific requirements that you or they define. The bottom line is Summit Services will do all the work. If you need to save time and get professional help from a great company, I strongly recommend you get more information about their new recruiting services.
Learn More about Summit or call them: (
0960 NOTE: I am not an employee of Summit (nor do I receive any commission for referring people to them), but we both have a strong referral network. So I refer them, they refer me. I also happen to like working with them! Their coaches and staff are awesome. They get results.
About David Chism
David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.