Riemann Painting's Brand | Cranbrook B.C.

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Aug 17, 2010

 Riemann Painting's Brand | Cranbrook B.C.
Rie­mann Paint­ing, locat­ed in Cran­brook British Colum­bia recent­ly did a major iden­ti­ty and brand change. Most of the work they have done over the 25+ years has been strict­ly word of mouth and build­ing strong rela­tion­ships with builders, facil­i­ty engi­neers and home­own­ers. They did not real­ly have a brand. When I talked to Kim Wasy­lowich, own­er of Rie­mann Paint­ing, late last fall, Kim said he was open for a change. He want­ed to start from scratch. He want­ed a com­plete­ly new and dif­fer­ent look, but he also want­ed to make sure he was tar­get­ing a num­ber of dif­fer­ent groups of peo­ple: com­mer­cial, indus­tri­al and res­i­den­tial. He has painters that work on all three types of prop­er­ties. We talked to the Graph­ic Design­er and asked him to get his cre­ative juices flow­ing. We want­ed to cre­ate some­thing that real­ly popped. The idea was to have lots of col­or and yet be so dif­fer­ent, peo­ple would remem­ber the look. We would then fol­low up with a cre­ative tagline that pro­mot­ed the mes­sage that is sim­ply this: Rie­mann paints. Any­thing and Every­thing. Peri­od. We came up with a num­ber of dif­fer­ent ideas from sim­ple to eye catch­ing. We end­ed up decid­ing on a Chameleon lizard. A Chameleon adapts and changes col­or when it is either fright­ened or to help cam­ou­flage itself in dif­fer­ent sur­round­ings. It can have lots of bril­liant col­ors or it can be a sol­id col­or, depend­ing on the envi­ron­ment. So we thought the Chameleon image/​brand would por­tray what Rie­mann does very well. We also thought it would be mem­o­rable. Most folks, when they see a bright lizard for a paint­ing com­pa­ny will do a dou­ble look. Also the final tagline that stuck was, Paint­ing in Any Environment.” The best part about this brand project was Kim and his staff love it. This is the first step in their brand­ing: the cre­at­ing of the brand. Now we are in the process of pro­mot­ing the brand to Rie­man­n’s tar­get audi­ence. The new web­site is also live, but is more tar­get­ed to the res­i­den­tial audi­ence. Rie­mann will be adding com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al sec­tions in the com­ing weeks.  Vis­it Rie­mann Paint­ing’s Website Back of Business Card of Riemann Painting

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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