Running a Small Business Doesn't Have to Be So Complicated
If you run a small business, chances are you’ve read or heard a thousand times from all the best business books, classrooms, seminars and business coaches that in order to run a successful business you must do many of the following things: have a marketing plan, a business plan, researched competition, have completed a SWAT analysis, a system for tracking leads, a CRM program, created a employee manual, an exit strategy and so on. If you are like me, your head starts spinning when you are plagued with all the things you’ve got to do to be successful. I think sometimes all the business leaders out there make running a small business complicated. It doesn’t have to be! Don’t Try To Keep Up With the Big Guys Attending seminars and filling up your notepad or notebook app with pages of todos and goals is ok if you like that sort of thing. Maybe you listen better by doing that. I sure don’t. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve just seen a lot of businesses struggle to make it because they are trying too hard to follow all the “rules of success.” They try to keep up with the big players in their industry. They want to be successful, make more money, work less, look and feel big. They do this by overcomplicating what it takes to run a small business. Just growing a company large doesn’t mean you will be profitable and have a healthy business. I know a few businesses that run small companies under the “business success radar” and are more profitable: make more money than the big guys. Stop Comparing and Succeed If there is one takeaway from this blog post, I’d hope it would be this: stop comparing your business to everyone else out there, be yourself and begin moving your business forward. Instead of trying to follow every jot and tittle of what it takes to run a business (that you’ve heard works) just do one thing that you feel comfortable with right now. If your customer hires you because your brushwork looks and feels like glass when finished, then start there: deliver those same results to every customer. Make ever customer’s home look the best. If customers hire your company because they feel they can trust you, don’t every let them down. Make it your goal to focus on 100% customer satisfaction with all your employees. Share that vision with each employee and make sure they all get it! All the other “stuff” that you hear about can have its place at the right time. Setting goals, working with budgets, tracking leads, all important things. Just take it one step at a time. Slow down, enjoy your work, and focus on making your business the best it can possibly be. P.S. Don’t just take my word for it. Order a copy or download to your digital device a copy of REWORK by my friends at 37 Signals. It goes against everything you’ve ever heard about running a business. When you get the urge to write out your action plan, stop. Just re-read and enjoy it. ; ; ;