Marketing Management

 Marketing Management

Does This Sound at All Familiar?

Your mar­ket­ing efforts start and stop spo­rad­i­cal­ly, inef­fec­tive­ly try­ing to play catch-up when leads slow, then taper­ing down to almost noth­ing dur­ing your busy season.

You know you need a real, sta­ble plan, but you aren’t sure how to make one that will meet your needs, and you’re too busy to exper­i­ment. How can you make your busi­ness grow in mea­sur­able terms?

Online mar­ket­ing strate­gies and man­age­ment tools are always evolv­ing, and you real­ly are not sure how to keep on top of it. After all, you have a busi­ness to run and oper­a­tions to oversee.

Hir­ing an in-house mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist sounds nice, but the bud­get just doesn’t allow it.

How Exact­ly Does Mar­ket­ing Man­age­ment Work?

The frus­tra­tions list­ed above, some of which might sound too famil­iar for com­fort, point to a need for out­side mar­ket­ing man­age­ment help.

Our team at A David Cre­ation spe­cial­izes in fill­ing this gap.

What Do Our Mar­ket­ing Man­age­ment Ser­vices Include?

We offer Begin­ner, Inter­me­di­ate, and Advanced man­age­ment ser­vices, tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic needs, goals, and bud­get. These ser­vices can include:

  • Annu­al bud­get devel­op­ment and a clear cal­en­dar of mar­ket­ing events
  • ROI reports
  • Over­sight of your mar­ket­ing efforts, and man­age­ment of mar­ket­ing ini­tia­tives and projects
  • Social media management
  • Web­site design, devel­op­ment, and maintenance
  • Cus­tomized print and pro­mo­tion­al materials
  • Neigh­bor­hood mar­ket­ing strategies
  • …and more

What Are the Ben­e­fits of Work­ing With A David Creation?

  • You will have a Mar­ket­ing Quar­ter­back run­ning your mar­ket­ing depart­ment. You will cut waste­ful spend­ing and make wise deci­sions on the brand­ing and mar­ket­ing of your company
  • We offer a bud­get-friend­ly alter­na­tive to hir­ing an in-house mar­ket­ing director
  • Our clients’ text, call, Face­time and email us all the time when they have a ques­tion or need to chat. We might be remote/​outsourced, but we pro­vide extreme­ly per­son­al ser­vice. You will know, like and trust the ADC staff. We are like fam­i­ly (no joke – 4 of us are related)
  • We have pro­fes­sion­al writ­ers, project man­agers, graph­ic design­ers, and web devel­op­ers available
  • ADC works with com­pa­nies in your indus­try across the coun­try, and we have an inti­mate knowl­edge of what works well for con­tract­ing busi­ness­es like yours
  • We’re a techie team, and we stay on top of the trends so you don’t have to
  • We can come along­side and help you cre­ate a smooth, con­sis­tent mar­ket­ing plan that yields mea­sur­able growth

no more guesswork

We specialize in proven plans and ideas, based on deep industry experience. This is what we do, and we know how to help.

Throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks?

Dreading the slower seasons and craving stable growth?

No time for marketing while you’re running your business?

Curious to know what other industry pros are doing around the country?

focus on the big picture, and we’ll orchestrate the team

We’ve been called marketing quarterbacks, and we’ve also been called orchestra conductors. There may not seem to be an immediate connection, but think of it this way: we step in, catch your vision and goals, then orchestrate the details (or run the plays). Every part and player is important, coming together into a unified whole working toward a specific goal.

Best of all? You’ll be fully in the loop, but not tangled up in the details. This ensures that you can focus on the big picture, your day-to-day operations, and business growth.

Request a Free Consultation
Develop a clear marketing strategy that works

Develop a clear marketing strategy that works

Clear, detailed reports to keep you up-to-date

detailed reports to keep you up-to-date
Stay ahead of competitors

Stay ahead of competitors

Access to key vendor services

Access to key vendor services

getting started is easy



Let’s connect and discuss your business, needs, and goals.



We know where you want to go, so let’s map out how to get there.



With a clear agreement and strategy, it’s time to put the plan to work.

“A David Creation has helped us tremendously over the years of working with them​.​ ​Our marketing return has been substantial...”

Sean Kennedy - CEO, Kennedy Painting, St. Louis, MO

“My experience with ADC was the most engaged, comprehensive and knowledgeable one I've ever had with a marketing team! These guys know their stuff!”

Kersteen Anderson - President, DFAF, Inc. Painting and Decorating

“David is super bright and creative. He is easy to work with and brings a lot of value to any project he is involved in.”

Kevin Nolan Kevin Nolan - President of Nolan Painting, Philadelphia, PA

“Chism is and was the consummate professional. His knowledge in the field of painting amazed me.”

Michael Hartman - Owner of Weston Interiors, San Diego, CA

“I have had the pleasure of working with David and his A David Creation team for over 10 years. The most important thing about David is that he is honest and trustworthy. I've worked with many people over the years, and it's a challenge finding people who you can trust. So when you find someone who you can trust to handle your marketing like they would for their own business, you keep them around!”

Paul Viggiano Paul Viggiano - VP of Sales & Marketing, A.G. Williams Painting, Westchester County, NY

“David has great ideas on how to market a company. He’s creative at coming up with good solutions while keeping within budget. He keeps tabs at every stage of the process and communicates well. I highly recommend working with David.”

David Guy - Pioneer Design

“Working with David has truly been a revelation for our company. For 15+ years I managed the marketing myself, and from the moment David and his team took over everything fell into place.”

Anthony Maucieri - President, East Hill Cabinetry, Westchester NY & Norwalk CT

“We have been working with David and his team for 9+ years now. My overall satisfaction of his and his team's work has only increased over the years. Even during the worst of the pandemic his marketing skill, knowledge and advice brought tremendous results. I can't see Williams Professional Painting without A David Creation as a vital piece of our company and future success.”

Dave Williams - President of Williams Professional Painting, Alexandria, VA

“David, is a great speaker and is detailed in everything he does. His websites are some of the best around, and he is very respected in the industry.”

Pete Wirtz Pete Wirtz - President of Pete The Painter, Chicago, IL

“I have known David for years first as a client when he was Sales and Marketing Director at Chism Brothers Painting and now as a consultant with whom I collaborate in working with business owners in the Painting industry. David is a person of high integrity as well as experienced in sales, marketing, estimating and technical solutions for painting contractors. Business owners that I know who have worked with David have been happy with their experience.”

Linnea Blair Linnea Blair - Advisors on Target

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