Should I Auto Post My Blogs to Facebook?

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Jun 3, 2013

 Should I Auto Post My Blogs to Facebook?

It is a Sin Not to Blog

When I start­ed the Chism Bros. paint­ing blog in 2006, most con­sumers and busi­ness own­ers had no clear idea of what a blog was. After attend­ing dozens of webi­na­rs, online pre­sen­ta­tions, sem­i­nars, lec­tures, receiv­ing hun­dreds of cold calls, read­ing arti­cles and much more, most Amer­i­cans are now famil­iar with blog­ging. Now that does not mean that busi­ness own­ers actu­al­ly believe in the pow­er of con­tent mar­ket­ing and blog­ging. Instead, many have come to believe that if they don’t have a blog, they are com­mit­ting a busi­ness sin.”

So What Do They Do About It?

Not many com­pa­nies today want to be con­sid­ered old fash­ioned or behind the times, so instead of com­mit­ting the sin of not hav­ing the blog, they start a blog and begin plog­ging along. For most of these busi­ness­es, hav­ing a blog is just to keep the techies, sales­men and mar­ket­ing geeks at arms length so they can say, Yes…yes, I have a blog. Now leave me alone.” or Oh yeah. I have a Face­book page, and guess what, my blogs can be found there too. They auto­mat­i­cal­ly show up!”

Auto Post­ing

All that is just the intro and back­ground to the real rea­son for this post, which is, Should I auto post my blogs to Face­book or oth­er social sites?” In most cas­es, my answer is No; still I would say Yes in a very lim­it­ed sense. Let me explain: Yes First If you are going to have a blog, whether you write it your­self or have folks to help write qual­i­ty con­tent, some­times it is ok to auto post your blogs. It is one less thing to wor­ry about. I’ve done this sort of thing myself on my social sites and have helped my clients set­up auto post­ing apps and fea­tures such as Social RSS, Hoot Suite and Tweet Deck. Now The Rea­son Not to Auto Post  Even though I’ve been one of those guys who has embraced auto post­ing fea­tures, I’ve nev­er real­ly liked doing it. Some­thing did not sit well with me when I saw the auto post appear for my clients, for my busi­ness or when I saw auto post show up on my news feed. I’ve thought the same thing: this is NOT per­son­al and/​or social. Auto Post­ing lacks per­son­al­i­ty and engage­ment. I’ve watched the ana­lyt­ics plum­met on auto post­ings vs. human posts that have a real sum­ma­ry before the link to a blog or arti­cle. Does­n’t it make sense that a post with a per­son­al endorse­ment would get more reads, likes and com­ments than a post that was auto tweet­ed, post­ed and shared?

Keep­ing it Per­son­al in the Con­tract­ing Business

Social Net­work­ing and Media has not real­ly changed. It has always meant to be per­son­al, not robot­ic and fake. Don’t just take my word for it. Check out these well known mar­ket­ing author’s and some of their recent and past books:  We’ve tried to be hip and cool by hav­ing a Face­book, Google+ or Blog page, but if we don’t keep things per­son­al in our con­tract­ing busi­ness­es, we’ll see less and less engage­ment and fruit. So if you are like me, it is ok to make mar­ket­ing mis­takes now and then as long as those mis­takes only help you to make choic­es that make your com­pa­ny bet­ter. Pur­pose this week to delete those auto post­ing fea­tures, type up a sum­ma­ry of your blog or arti­cle, then post!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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