Should I Ditch My Laptop and Use a Tablet

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Mar 26, 2014

 Should I Ditch My Laptop and Use a Tablet

Run­ning A Busi­ness Using a Tablet

Depend­ing on your busi­ness, you can ditch a lap­top and run your busi­ness from a tablet, such as an Android or Apple iPad. How­ev­er, in this blog post, I will be focus­ing on the con­tract­ing market.

The Cool­ness of a Tablet 

Apple’s release of the iPad in 2010 rev­o­lu­tion­ized the way we as con­sumers think about and use mobile com­put­ing. We got used to send­ing emails with our fin­gers, not a sty­lus or a key­board. We were intro­duced to Apps” instead of soft­ware and pro­grams we installed on our hard drive.

The Frus­tra­tions of a Tablet

Yes, we all began to get used to using our tablets for a lot of things: to-do’s, emails, cal­en­dars, games, CRMs, and more. But then the frus­tra­tions began to hap­pen. A few examples:

I want to edit this MS Word doc­u­ment. How do I edit it and save it in the prop­er place?” How do I email an attach­ment from my Drop­box or Google Dri­ve stor­age direct­ly from my iPad with­out open­ing up anoth­er app?” How do I save an attach­ment in my email program?” Can I cre­ate an Excel or Google spread­sheet with all of the for­mu­la fea­tures on my tablet?”

Have any of these thoughts ever gone through your head? Well I’ve heard these four ques­tions and many more over the past four years.

There is ANOTH­ER App For That

So what is the solu­tion for the Tablet as of right now, Spring 2014? More Apps? Yes. More Apps. Appli­ca­tion devel­op­ers are busy at work cre­at­ing mil­lions of apps to help solve many prob­lems tablet users face. Basi­cal­ly, they are all try­ing to make tablet appli­ca­tions act very sim­i­lar to lap­top or desk­top com­put­ers. This is not easy and it takes a lot of capital.

Every month appli­ca­tions just get more slick, eas­i­er to use, and pow­er­ful. Yet most of them are still very weak and do not yet ful­ly replace lap­top fea­tures. Some of these lim­its are not the devel­op­er’s fault, but the fault of com­pa­nies like Apple that have very strict devel­op­ment stan­dards. So, the tech­nol­o­gy is there. It will just take a lit­tle more patience on our part or more of Apple allow­ing devel­op­ers more free­dom to make bet­ter apps.

Lap­top Still Trumps the Tablet

What I Use

My goal has been try­ing to use less Apps to run my busi­ness remote­ly. To use an iPad in the field, I have 6 – 8 busi­ness apps I use, and they don’t always work seam­less­ly with each oth­er. The num­ber now is less than it used to be. Every few months, I find ways to cut down on the amount of apps I use! One of the Apps that has real­ly been a time saver (besides Google prod­ucts) is Base CRM. This com­pa­ny has done the best job at doing most of what I need with­in one sin­gle app: con­tact man­age­ment, task man­age­ment, and even send­ing emails.

Yet, I still find myself using a lap­top more than a tablet device. It is just eas­i­er to use for all of the things I do in my busi­ness. It is faster and has way more fea­tures than a tablet. 

So I, like you, am eager­ly await­ing the day when I will only have to use a tablet, 100%, for my busi­ness. For the con­trac­tor, I think it will still be anoth­er year or two before you could con­sid­er 100% run­ning all aspects, from a tablet. The per­son­al com­put­er is still a very trust­wor­thy and use­ful tool. So my advice is, it is okay to use a tablet in the field as much as you can with the apps you want to use. Yet, hav­ing a lap­top handy and near­by is a very wise choice!

I’d love to hear what you guys are using in the field and how it is working.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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