Should I Post My Prices On My Site?

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Mar 26, 2013

 Should I Post My Prices On My Site?

Pric­ing on My Site

Since I start­ed my mar­ket­ing busi­ness in 2009, I post­ed my gen­er­al prices on my web­site. Four years lat­er, I’ve not regret­ted that deci­sion once. 
  1. It keeps the tire kick­ers away who are not serious. 
  2. It might edu­cate a few oth­ers look­ing to do the same thing I’m doing and how they should charge. Fine with me! 
  3. A busi­ness own­er may want to do some research on some­one he is look­ing at hir­ing and see if the quote he/​she received is rea­son­able. You nev­er know if they’ll ask me for a quote too!
  4. Or for those who are seri­ous in work­ing with me, they know I have noth­ing to hide. I talk about the cost with prospects right from the begin­ning. Those who know me know that I’m an open book. 

Pric­ing On Your Site

So should you post prices on your site? In most cas­es, I’d say yes: even if the prices are just ideas or approx­i­mate num­bers. For exam­ple, I know it would be hard for a remod­el­er to say, Remod­el­ing a kitchen cost $50,000 – 60,000. When in real­i­ty, a kitchen could cost $100k or more for some home­own­ers and less than $50k for less fea­tures for oth­er home­own­ers. Or one can go to Lowes and do the kitchen as a DIY project for less than $15k. How­ev­er, to build trust and cred­i­bil­i­ty, a remod­el­ing con­trac­tor could give approx­i­mate cost for a ren­o­va­tion project based on cer­tain types of projects using pic­tures and case stud­ies. So if a home­own­er sees a project a con­trac­tor com­plet­ed and loves it, he or she would know it cost $90k+ range. You get the idea. You real­ly have noth­ing to lose by post­ing your prices on your web­site. Your com­peti­tors are not doing it, and who cares if they see your prices any­ways. If you are the com­pa­ny that is not afraid to post your prices, you will be looked at as more trust­wor­thy and hon­est. You also don’t need to be cheap to post the poten­tial cost of ser­vices. Take a look at this blog title from this well known pool com­pa­ny in North­ern Vir­ginia, Riv­er Pools: How Much do Above Ground and Inground Swim­ming Pools Cost? This blog, among oth­ers, has worked very well for this com­pa­ny in gen­er­at­ing leads and new busi­ness (over $1.7 mil­lion on just one post).

Ready to Get Started

The more open and hon­est you can be about your com­pa­ny, your ser­vice, your process, your pric­ing, your team etc the bet­ter chance you will have at clos­ing jobs and avoid the com­pet­i­tive bloody ocean bat­tle over prices. I know some of you con­trac­tors out there have already done this. Let me know how it is work­ing for you in the com­ments below.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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