Should I Upgrade to the iPhone 5s or 5c

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Sep 11, 2013

 Should I Upgrade to the iPhone 5s or 5c
I was asked yes­ter­day by a client if he should get his wife the iPhone 5s or save a $100 and go with the iPhone 5. His wife cur­rent­ly has an iPhone 4S, which I believe needs to be replaced. Ulti­mate­ly the answer is quite sim­ple on one hand: it does­n’t real­ly mat­ter. Apple cre­ates a fan­tas­tic device, and all their mod­els get the job done. On the oth­er hand, that is not why you are read­ing this post. You too are curi­ous about which one to get, right? Is there real­ly a big dif­fer­ence between the two devices? 

The iPhone 5 Will Be Discontinued

First off, based on what I’ve read, the iPhone 5 will not be con­tin­u­ing to fill the shelves and be a device you can pur­chase in the near future. It has been ful­ly replaced by the new iPhone 5c, which is the less expen­sive 5” mod­el. The C mod­el basi­cal­ly does­n’t come wrapped in the pret­ty alu­minum met­al but rather a col­or­ful spe­cial” hard plas­tic shell (5 col­ors to choose from). Besides the body, it basi­cal­ly is the same as the iPhone 5, released in 2012. It also starts at $99. Apple will then release the 4S mod­el for the free” option to those who sign a two year ser­vice agree­ment with a mobile car­ri­er.

My Advice?


Since the iPhone 5 will not be avail­able, I’d upgrade to the 5s mod­el start­ing at $199 because I like the medal phones more than plas­tic. Also, if the new fin­ger­print scan­ner real­ly works well, it will be a major time saver for peo­ple who use their phone often, like me. I have to type in my pass­word man­u­al­ly count­less times each week for dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es. So to just use my fin­ger­print would save me a few sec­onds, which over the course of a year…might even be a full hour or two of less typ­ing! I’m ready for that! I also like the new cam­era fea­tures. The iPhone 5 had a pur­ple glare prob­lem in bright lit areas. It was very frus­trat­ing. I’m hope­ful that has been fixed with the 5c and 5s mod­els. The 5c just did­n’t inter­est me per­son­al­ly. I’d almost rather get an Android. ALMOST! I won’t. But for every­one else who wants the Apple expe­ri­ence and wants to save $100, the iPhone 5c will be a beau­ti­ful and great choice for a busi­ness phone. There are so many sta­ble Apps that can help keep you more pro­duc­tive and orga­nized. Let me know what you decide to pur­chase and why. Oh, and I’ve been using iOS 7 for a cou­ple of months, the lat­est oper­at­ing sys­tem that will be released on the 20th of Sep­tem­ber, and it is well worth the upgrade. You’ll love it. MOBILE DEVICE WARN­ING: This blog was typed with my thumbs. Please excuse any tepos!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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