Small Business Advertising on Facebook

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Nov 4, 2009

 Small Business Advertising on Facebook
CDI Facebook adI recent­ly began run­ning a Face­book Ad test for a Christ­mas Décor fran­chise here in Mary­land. Face­book has such a huge fol­low­ing which made me curi­ous about adver­tis­ing on it. What intrigued me the most about Face­book ads was the very tar­get­ed demo­graph­ics you could select when cre­at­ing an ad. I was about to tar­get col­lege grad­u­ates in select areas of Mary­land, male or female and spe­cif­ic ages. Face­book demo­graph­ics are pret­ty right on, because most Face­book users don’t lie about their pro­file (as they are try­ing to con­nect with old friends). I start­ed out with a very con­ser­v­a­tive dol­lar amount of only $3 a day back in Sep­tem­ber and have done almost 6 weeks of test­ing. The cam­paign is a pay per click ad, very sim­i­lar to Google Adwords. I am only charged if some­one clicks on my ad. The vis­i­tor, when they click on the ad lands on a Christ­mas Décor land­ing page” that I cre­at­ed. (View Land­ing Page). The cool thing about Face­book ads is that I can change them any­time I want and always have a pic­ture. The pic­ture ads are per­fect for a Christ­mas dec­o­rat­ing fran­chise as the beau­ti­ful dis­play homes speak for them­selves! Most days I max out my num­ber of clicks that range from 3 – 6 per day. As I write this blog, the com­pa­ny has received 3 quality/​targeted leads for $107 invest­ed. The aver­age cost per job for this Christ­mas Décor com­pa­ny is $2,800. So to spend $107 to get 3 leads with a clos­ing ratio of 50%+…that is a great ROI. Final­ly, I expect the Face­book ads to do even bet­ter as we move into the Christ­mas sea­son for 2009! Typ­i­cal­ly peo­ple do not start think­ing of Christ­mas til the mid­dle of Novem­ber and even more after Thanks­giv­ing. It is not on their radar screen. So, if my the­o­ry is cor­rect, I believe Face­book adver­tis­ing for a product/​service busi­ness works: espe­cial­ly for Christ­mas lights! As for painters adver­tis­ing on Face­book, I would love the chal­lenge of test­ing an ad cam­paign for them. I would say it may not be as suc­cess­ful as Christ­mas lights, but if the ad is writ­ten well with a good land­ing page, who knows!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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