Social Selling: Is Facebook Messenger Worth Your Time?

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Mar 28, 2019

 Social Selling: Is Facebook Messenger Worth Your Time?

We recent­ly post­ed on social media about using Face­book Mes­sen­ger to curate leads, and asked what YOU do. Is Mes­sen­ger part of your social media plan, or not?

The results were mixed. Some folks said NO, oth­ers said YES, and some said (in so many words) that they only did it because they knew they need­ed to get with the times. We appre­ci­at­ed the honesty! 

Let’s get right to our opin­ion on the mat­ter: here at ADC, we’re see­ing lots of suc­cess using Face­book Mes­sen­ger, and do rec­om­mend it. But (and it’s a big but”), only if you can real­ly get on board and see the value. 

Whether it works or not is real­ly up to you. Keep read­ing to see what we mean.

What Makes Mes­sen­ger Ineffective?

Here are three MAJOR road­blocks to success:

  1. You don’t give it enough time. Mes­sen­ger is not a mag­ic bul­let, and, like any social media effort, it requires time to exper­i­ment, adjust, and devel­op a plan that works.
  2. You set it and for­get it. Social media isn’t a crock pot either… You can’t throw in the ingre­di­ents, walk away, then come back to some­thing amaz­ing. If you aren’t will­ing or able to respond to and engage with the mes­sages, then it will nev­er work for you.
  3. You can’t get past the tire kick­ers. Not every mes­sage that comes through (espe­cial­ly in the ear­ly stages) is going to be a stel­lar lead. You’ll get junk mes­sages, dead ends, tire kick­ers, and peo­ple who sim­ply send you non­sen­si­cal GIFS now and then (hey, it’s the internet). 

What Makes Face­book Mes­sen­ger Work Real­ly, Real­ly Well?

  1. Make a plan! Have some­one in your office who knows to watch for new mes­sages and can engage right away. Down­load­ing the Face­book Page app is real­ly use­ful, let­ting you quick­ly and eas­i­ly man­age noti­fi­ca­tions. Or, you might want to look into Podi­um, offer­ing a one-app solu­tion to your mes­sag­ing (and mak­ing it easy to assign spe­cif­ic team mem­bers to take the lead). 
  2. Give it time! Whether you’re exper­i­ment­ing on your own or work­ing with a social media man­ag­er, keep dial­ing in your audi­ence (demo­graph­ics, loca­tions, inter­ests, etc.). Your lead qual­i­ty WILL improve.
  3. Be friend­ly! More on this below, but it bears men­tion­ing twice. Don’t just give peo­ple a link to the esti­mate form on your web­site. That’s like some­one approach­ing you in per­son, ask­ing about your ser­vices, and you hand­ing them a busi­ness card in silence and walk­ing away. 

And, don’t for­get! You won’t be eter­nal­ly teth­ered to Mes­sen­ger. You can tog­gle on the Away but­ton, ini­ti­at­ing an auto-respon­der with the mes­sage of your choice to keep the con­ver­sa­tion warm until you get back. 

Focus on Relationships!!!

A few of the respons­es we heard on social media essen­tial­ly said that they missed the good old days of chat­ting with peo­ple in person. 

We get that. We real­ly, real­ly do. 

The rela­tion­al, net­work­ing aspect of own­ing a small busi­ness is spe­cial, and it’s hard­er to find these days. What you have to remem­ber is that direct chat, like Face­book Mes­sen­ger and social media in gen­er­al, is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to do that old-school com­mu­ni­ca­tion in a new school set­ting. So, don’t just throw a sales pitch at peo­ple. Engage in Mes­sen­ger, ask about their project, tell them to have a good day, and treat them like PEO­PLE, not just a dig­i­tal enti­ty that’s tak­ing your time. 

If you do, you WILL have success.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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