About a year and a half ago, I met a pretty successful motivational speaker and business coach. I had heard about him for years, and a good friend who knew him well introduced me to him after one of his talks. He thought we’d hit it off as we had a lot of similar client types and marketing ideas. I could tell right away he was not all that excited to talk to me (body language). He was polite, had a fake smile and tried hard to be interested in the conversation. (Because he knows that is what all successful people are supposed to do, right?: think Dale Carnegie
: Be generally interested in other people).
After a couple minutes, he asked for my business card. Like a sucker, I gave it to him. Did I personally hear from him again? Was I a real person to him? Or was I just another name to add to his email list? It didn’t take me long to recognize his so-called
“personal” emails as impersonal marketing blasts. Now his emails are labeled spam in my email program, and I no longer see them. Why? Because he, like a lot of marketing companies and businesses, practice what I call Spamcial Marketing. Yes, I totally made up that word. If you can’t guess the meaning, here’s a hint: it’s the opposite of practicing good social and real networking. In other words, it’s being annoying.
Do You Like Receiving Spam?
Neither does your customer. This does not mean you can never send your quarterly newsletters, an email blast with a special and mailers to clients ever again. There is a place for that, and you cannot please everyone — especially if you have a large customer base. My advice is this. At least begin to make a concerted effort to connect more with your customers socially, on and offline. By doing this, you will take those first few steps to reducing impersonal marketing items and make it more personal. It could also save you some marketing dollars too by marketing only to those who have given you permission. One way to do this is ask your customers if sending them emails and mailers occasionally are ok. It is perfectly ok to reach out and talk to customers. They won’t bite! Chances are, if you ask them yourself they will agree and say it is fine to stay on a list. If you don’t ask, at some point, your emails will go to spam and mailers will be in the trash bin. Spamcial Marketing. It is easy to make marketing these days so cookie cutter and automated. There will be some fruit from this approach, but is it the long term, quality fruit you really want for your business? Practice being real and genuine in all areas of your business and watch the quality of your leads and the repeat business excel! If you are interested in a good book on this subject, take a look at Seth Godin’s
Permission Marketing for some excellent insight and advice.
What Are Your Experiences?
Have you made any changes in your marketing plan to be more personal? What did you do before? Has the change made a positive difference? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
About David Chism
David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.