Start with the End Goal in Mind

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Mar 12, 2012

 Start with the End Goal in Mind
While I don’t look for blog titles while at church, this past Sun­day was dif­fer­ent. My pas­tor’s first point in his ser­mon on 1 Peter 4:7 – 11 said Chris­tians should always have the end goal in mind. In short, he or she should live every­day in light of Christ’s return. That does­n’t mean to sit around twid­dling one’s thumbs. It means to be active and prac­tice Chris­t­ian char­i­ty and ser­vice to oth­ers, for this brings glo­ry to God (vs. 8 – 11). Although the 1 Peter pas­sage isn’t talk­ing about run­ning a busi­ness, this thought came to me: a busi­ness own­er should run his (or her) busi­ness start­ing with the end in mind too. I’ve met many busi­ness own­ers who don’t know where they are head­ed with their com­pa­ny. They don’t have any short or long term goals estab­lished. If asked what they hope to do in rev­enue this year, or even 3 – 5 years, most don’t know how to answer or tell a lit­tle lie to make it sound like they do. Only a small per­cent­age of small busi­ness own­ers know where they are head­ed. Only a few focus on the end goal. It might look some­thing like this, In 5 years I hope to be mak­ing a $250,000 salary, work­ing 10 months out of the year, have 15+ employ­ees, with 80% of my busi­ness com­ing from repeat and refer­rals. I will have a full-time busi­ness man­ag­er, pro­duc­tion man­ag­er and office admin­is­tra­tor while I focus on ________. I’ll be known in my town as the #1 _________ pro­vid­ing excep­tion­al _________.” The end in goal is not always the end when you sell or retire, although that is a goal. The end might be a mar­ket­ing cam­paign, hir­ing employ­ees, a char­i­ty event, your salary, and so on. Anoth­er exam­ple, Instead of say­ing, We need to hire some­one.” You’d say, We need to hire a per­son who can sell $1,500,000 with lit­tle or no over­site from me!” Then you begin work­ing back­wards and break­ing down all the steps it will take to look for a clos­er of that cal­iber. What­ev­er you want to accom­plish, you have to start at the end and work back­wards. You as the busi­ness own­er has to know where you are head­ed so you can lead your team for­ward with con­fi­dence. When the own­er is focused on the end, he (she) will begin to see his employ­ees catch the vision. How will move your busi­ness for­ward this year? 3 Years? What will it look like in 10 years? Let me know in the com­ments below or by email­ing me, as some of you still do.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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