Stay The Course with Your Brand

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Mar 18, 2011

 Stay The Course with Your Brand
Once upon a time, con­trac­tors lived in an ide­al world where doing qual­i­ty work and treat­ing peo­ple right were the only nec­es­sary mar­ket­ing tools… but that fairy­tale is long past. San­ta Clause isn’t real, and con­trac­tors need to main­tain a qual­i­ty rep­u­ta­tion, a vis­i­ble brand, a con­tin­u­ous mar­ket­ing cam­paign and spike their web­site text with just the right key­words to be found online. In the past decade, start­up com­pa­nies have explod­ed onto the web-mar­ket­ing scene, mak­ing mil­lions of dol­lars in Search Engine Opti­miza­tion (SEO) with lit­tle out-of-pock­et expense. Estab­lished con­trac­tors with excel­lent local rep­u­ta­tions are los­ing sales to new com­pe­ti­tion with names like San Diego Best Painter” or Nashville Remod­el­ing Com­pa­ny.” Their web­sites are clut­tered with spam­my, awk­ward text such as, We are the best Louisville Remod­el­ing Con­trac­tor in the Louisville KY area!” and Have you ever called a Colum­bus MD area house paint­ing con­trac­tor to have your Colum­bus MD house paint­ed?” These com­pa­nies don’t work to devel­op a respectable brand or invest in long­time cus­tomers — they just want the phone to ring. Despite the tem­po­rary suc­cess of these kinds of com­pa­nies, it is impor­tant to resist the temp­ta­tion to hop on this web­wag­on. While poor­ly writ­ten copy with key­word-dri­ven text is dom­i­nat­ing the top web search­es, cus­tomers can dis­tin­guish between a rep­utable con­trac­tor and a flashy mar­keter with no sub­stance. Avoid cheap SEO com­pa­nies that will please the search engines but turn off your clients with watered-down, gener­ic, cut-and-paste con­tent. Stay with Your Brand Unfor­tu­nate­ly, to get qual­i­ty rank­ings on the search engines today, you do need key­words. If you are a paint­ing con­trac­tor, you need the words House Paint­ing Com­pa­ny” and Paint­ing Con­trac­tor” to appear on your site, as well as the names of your tar­get local­i­ties. But don’t change your brand and name. If your com­pa­ny name is Franklin Broth­ers Remod­el­ing, keep that name. Stay the course. Just make sure your online mar­ket­ing is done well. Hire a qual­i­ty web design­er, a good search engine com­pa­ny and a cre­ative, pro­fes­sion­al writer. Get those key­words worked into your copy in a nat­ur­al, human man­ner. Don’t go cheap, friends. Com­pa­nies call every day try­ing to sell you on the idea that your com­pa­ny can be #1 on Google, Yahoo, and Bling. Ignore these offers. Mar­ket­ing 101: be con­sis­tent on and offline. Make sure your web­site and web mar­ket­ing describe who you real­ly are as a com­pa­ny. Home­own­ers and busi­ness­es are wis­ing up to the fact that the con­trac­tors with funky lit­tle web­sites and trashy text are here today to sell you a job, but who knows where they will be when you have a prob­lem or need more work. Show them that you are com­mit­ted to doing things right, and that you are in their com­mu­ni­ty to stay. Your Feed­back What ways are you brand­ing online? What is work­ing for you? Do you ask con­sumers what they thought about your web­site: what they liked, did not like? Are you find­ing them to be real picky when they research online? How have you main­tained a con­sis­tent brand on and offline. Love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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