Swipe Credit Cards with Your Smartphone

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Oct 21, 2010

 Swipe Credit Cards with Your Smartphone
Accept­ing cred­it cards using your iPhone, Black­ber­ry or Android phones have been avail­able for a num­ber of years using spe­cif­ic apps. How­ev­er, not to 2010 did a nifty pro­gram and prod­uct become avail­able to small busi­ness­es: Square. Square is a tiny device that plugs into your phone’s aux­il­iary port and enables a user to swipe a con­sumer’s cred­it card, have them sign their sig­na­ture and even sends an emailed receipt. The neat thing about Square is there are no month­ly fees. So if you are not doing a lot of cred­it card swipes, Square is def­i­nite­ly worth con­sid­er­ing. The soft­ware and Square device are com­plete­ly free. You only pay a $.15 trans­ac­tion fee plus around 2.7% to your friends at VISA, Mas­ter­Card, and so on. One draw back is the trans­ac­tion per­cent­age. I use Autho​rize​.net for my cred­it card trans­ac­tions and my local bank: PNC. I pay around 2.3% for my fees and have a month­ly fee of around $40. I’ve shopped around a bit but am com­fort­able at this rate for now. By using Square, I’d pay a lit­tle more, but again…you don’t want to have to wait for your mon­ey too long. If you have some­thing that takes cred­it cards, chances are you’ll get paid on the spot. So, if you are a small busi­ness and need to get paid, use the Square. This can be a great tool for esti­ma­tors who need to get a deposit right away to secure a con­tract. Learn more about Square (start­ed by the guy who cre­at­ed Twitter)

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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